英语口语:Golden handshakes “黄金握手”(买断工龄)


年底了,大家难免“谈谈钱”。今天就谈golden handshakes吧。

照字面理解,golden handshakes就是“黄金握手”,to give somebody a golden handshake就是“给某人黄金握手”。什么意思??

1) 我们还是先体验英语:

1. He got a golden handshake from the company after being told to leave because they did not want him to tell anyone about their company secrets.

2. While their golden handshake was generous, Steve was still disappointed that he was being forced out of the company. But on the bright side, he had a nice amount of money to go on that European vacation he always dreamed of.

3. John Smith left ABC Company with a 200k golden handshake and a promise to keep quiet about the dirty secrets he discovered in the warehouse.

上面出现了golden handshake的各种使用方法:got a golden handshake from. Their golden handshake was generous. With a 200k golden handshake

2) But what is a golden handshake?


A golden handshake is generous bonus/money offered to a director, employee, or partner as a severance payment, or an inducement to leave the firm without making a trouble or creating a disagreement.

3) 用下面这些关键英语理解,记住a golden handshake:

1. Well, a golden handshake is a huge sum of money/bonus.


Do you want to get a golden handshake?
