Unit 77 Rules for Making Friends


请以“Rules for Making Friends”为题写一篇100字左右的短文


Rules for Making Friends

As a proverb goes, “We can judge a man by① the company② he keeps”. So, it is very important to keep good company.

A good friend is someone who can be with you whenever③ you need him. They are there when things are good and are also there when things are bad. To choose a friend, you have to choose someone who has the same interests as you have. As a friend help you in your time of difficulty④, you must also help him in his hour of need.

As the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”⑤


①judge sb/ sth by (from) ……:根据……判断某人或某物



④in one’s time of difficulty:在某人有困难的时候

⑤A friend in need is a friend indeed:患难见真交



文章共三段,第一段作者引用了一个谚语“We can judge a man by the company he keeps”来说明一个道理,即交一位好的伙伴的重要性。

第二段作者首先对什么是“a good friend”发表了自己的看法,进而阐述了应怎样择友。作者认为,真正的好朋友应同甘共苦,互相帮助。



