第二十一天,读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右,一个月争取读完单词的例句都是从近期英美报刊中节选最新例句,现在小编就来说说关于一目十行吗?下面内容希望能帮助到你,我们来一起看看吧!



第二十一天,读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右,一个月争取读完。单词的例句都是从近期英美报刊中节选最新例句。
















ash 灰烬

The Department of Agriculture has denied claims it was responsible for the importation of ash dieback disease, which is expected to destroy 95 per cent of the native species in the coming years.

atmosphere 气氛 大气 空气

Also, the birth of his young son, having his family there, I think it’s no surprise if people with a different sort of family atmosphere moving into a private residence ... want to make changes.

bamboo 竹子

Garden centres should place warnings on bamboo to highlight the risks of planting it in their gardens, specialists have warned.

berry 霉 浆果

Robotic soft-fruit pickers are a berry good solution

bloom 花 开花 青春

Briefly bloom your choice of spices (ground or whole) in the skillet before proceeding with cooking.

blossom 花朵 花簇 青春期

So as the designated handler of on-field or on-court matters, Gordon let the children blossom with their own wills as primary guides, and that included Mac, that proverbial youngest who gained from sparring with the elders.

brass 黄铜

Like gentlemen of old-school D.C., Biden talks softly and wears brass knuckles.

breeze 微风 轻而易举的事

The recommendations also address growing calls from infectious-disease and other public health experts to relax mask mandates for the outdoors because breezes disperse airborne virus particles, distancing is easier, and humidity and sunlight render the coronavirus less viable.

bud 芽 萌芽

The gall wasps were first found in a wood in Kent in 2015 and are named after the abnormal growths, or galls, their larvae cause on the buds and leaves of the sweet chestnut

cave 山洞

“The CAA have caved to pressure from Heathrow. Consumers will pay millions more to travel, to the benefit of Heathrow’s shareholders

celery 芹菜

Use the whole item when you cook. For more nutrition and less waste, peel and trim only when essential. Celery and beet leaves are great, and scrub rather than peel carrots and thin-skinned potatoes.

cosmos 宇宙 和谐 秩序

Oldest map of the cosmos is brought down to earth

crystal 水晶 晶体

The extraordinary sight was created by tiny ice crystals high in the clouds, about 5km to 10km above the ground

echo 回响 回应

The sentiment was echoed by David Crystal, author of countless books on the English language ,

frost 严寒天气 霜冻

Clear skies smash April frost records
