Beyond Your Wildest Dreams(从未想象过)

The phrase beyond your wildest dreams means in a way you had never imagined before.

They have become rich beyond their wildest dreams.

Broken Dreams(计划或目标未能实现)

The phrase broken dreams refer to dreams, plans, or goals that didn't come true.

Jane had her share of broken dreams in her marriage.

Daydream About Someone Or Something(白日做梦)

This phrase means to have fantasies about someone or something while one is awake.

He's daydreaming about running away to a warm Caribbean island.


Dream Come True(美梦成真)

The phrase a dream come true refers to something that you have always hoped for and that has happened.

Meeting her favorite star is a dream come true.

Dream On(不可能)

The phrase dream on is an idiomatic expression used to express skepticism and say that something is unlikely to happen.

Bob: "I think Jane is mad about me."John: "Dream on!"

Dream Ticket(最佳搭档)

The phrase dream ticket refers to an ideal alliance between two people, usually candidates in an election.

Clinton and Gore were a dream ticket in the American presidential election of 1992.

In Your Dreams(在梦里)

The phrase in your dreams means that you don't believe that something which is desired by someone will happen.

Marry a star? In your dreams!

Pipe Dream(幻想)

The phrase a pipe dream refers to a goal that is impossible to accomplish.

His plan is unrealistic. It is no more than a pipe dream.

Work Like A Dream(进展顺利)

If something works like a dream for you, it works perfectly well.

The plan worked like a dream.
