
Word of the Day:January 16, 2022



adjective [ˈsæŋɡwɪn]

What It Means

Sanguine means "confidently optimistic."

Sanguine 的意思是“自信乐观”。

SANGUINE in Context

"Mystifyingly, the Tony-nominated actress was never invited to audition for the 2020 Broadway revival of … 'West Side Story.' But given the way things worked out, [Ariana DeBose]—who was cast in Spielberg's movie shortly afterward—is pretty sanguine about the slight. 'I think everything happens for a reason,' she says. 'That was not my blessing. That was somebody else's blessing.'" — Sara Stewart, The New York Post, 8 Dec. 2021

令人费解的是,这位托尼提名的女演员从未被邀请参加 2020 年百老汇重拍《西区故事》的试镜。 但考虑到事情的进展,[阿丽亚娜·德博斯]——不久后就出演了斯皮尔伯格的电影——她对这种轻视非常乐观。 “我认为一切都是有原因的,”她说。 '那不是我的福气。 是属于别人的。”

The young CEO is sanguine about the struggling company's future.


Did You Know?

If you're the sort of cheery soul who always looks on the bright side no matter what happens, you have a sanguine personality. Sanguine is the name of one of the temperaments that ancient and medieval scholars believed was caused by an abundance of one of the four humors. It comes from sanguineus—Latin for "of or relating to blood" or "bloody"—and over centuries has had meanings ranging from "bloodthirsty" and "bloodred" to "confidently optimistic."

如果你是那种无论发生什么事情都总是乐观向上的人,那么你就是乐观的性格。Sanguine 是古代和中世纪学者认为是由四种情绪其中一种的丰富而引发的。 它来自 sanguineus——拉丁语中“of or relating to blood「属于或与血有关」”或“bloody「血腥的」”的意思——几个世纪以来,它的含义从“bloodthirsty「嗜血」”、“bloodred「血腥」”再到了“confidently optimistic「自信乐观」”。


Fill in the blanks to complete an adjective describing a person with a cool, calm, unemotional personality: p _ l _ _ m _ _ _ c.

