



<1 arrange 最基本的含义是安排,其实还有筹备,整理,排列,布置,谱写等含义。来看个例句:We arranged for a car to collect us from the airpot.这里的arrange就是安排的意思。

派生:名词:arrangement 动词,misarrange排列错误。

词组:动词 名词短语(安排了什么)She arranged a loan with the bank. 她和银行商定了一个贷款。

arrange to do(安排做某事) Have you arranged to meet him?

arrange that 从句 I've arranged that we can borrow their car.

make arrangements for 名词词组 I just need some warning to make arrangements for the cross-country race.

<2 plan 有计划安排的意思 synonymous words(同义词)有intend,propose,design,devise。例如:where do you plan to spend your holiday.

<3 schedule 一般用于活动的日程安排

词组:busy schedule 繁忙的日程安排

regular schedule 有规律的日程安排

bus schedule 汽车行程安排表

on schedule 按预订时间

用法:一般用于被动语态。例如:The conference is scheduled for next Friday.

<4 fix up 常见的有修理的意思但还有安排的意思。例如:Let's fix up a meeting with Personel to...它等同于make a arrangement for。看看下列句子感受一下。

I hope you can fix up a meeting with the director recently.

Could you fix up a taxi after the show.

Perhaps we can fix up a meeting for next week.
