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Getting (Too) Close to Nature


I WAS WALKING IN THE WOODS not too long ago, enjoying the fresh air and the autumn colors, and admiring the wonders of nature as it prepared for its long winter sleep. The woods were beautiful and quiet ... too quiet. I was alone, but I knew that somewhere, hidden by the trees and underbrush (灌木丛), I was surrounded by wildlife: deer, foxes, rabbits and groundhogs (土拨鼠). They were there, but at the first sight, smell and sound of a human, they hid until the danger (me) had passed.

We all love animals, but not too many animals feel the same way about us. When we enter their wild world, we make them nervous. We are "unnatural" intruders into their homes. Apart from my own experience with shy animals, there was a video many of you may have seen on the internet recently of a bear and its cub (幼崽) climbing up a steep, snow-covered hill in Russia. The mama bear makes it to the top without too much trouble, but the baby bear keeps sliding back down. It takes three attempts to reach the top and, no doubt, many cheered at the cub's never-give-up spirit. But nature scientists who saw the video didn't cheer.

Instead, the scientists were upset that the two bears had been frightened into making a dangerous, unnecessary climb by the drone that was filming them. Sophie Gilbert of the University of Idaho said, "It showed a pretty stark lack of understanding from the drone operator of the effects his actions were having on the bears." Other scientists have found that when a drone is hovering (盘旋) near, a bear's heart rate can increase from 41 beats per minute to 162 beats per minute — a high enough rate to cause a heart attack.

Human disturbance has actually been having a far-reaching influence on wildlife. Researchers at the University of Berkeley recently found that many mammals (哺乳动物) are turning into "night owls" again to avoid contact with humans. Such a shift might not only affect those species themselves, but also have numerous knock-on effects (连锁效应).

As human beings we find ourselves in a strange position in nature. We are part of it but also separate from it, now more than ever, since most of us live in cities. So, when we go off hiking into wild areas to "re-connect" with nature, we should go softly, politely and considerately, like guests in another's home. It's OK to get close to our animal friends, just not too close — we wouldn't want to scare them, would we?



1. Have you watched the video of the mother bear and its cub climbing up a steep?

What's your feeling after watching this video?

2. Do you enjoy going hiking in forests or national parks? If so, have you ever encountered wildlife?



1. They were there, but at the first sight, smell and sound of a human, they hid until the danger (me) had passed.

① at the first sight是一个固定搭配,意思是“一看见”。作者在sight的后面加上了smell和sound,表示一闻见、一听见。从视觉、嗅觉、听觉三个层面展现了野生动物对人类活动的敏感程度。

② until在这个句子中引导了一个时间状语从句。意思是“直到……”,表示某动作一直持续到某个时间点才停止。

2. Instead, the scientists were upset that the two bears had been frightened into making a dangerous, unnecessary climb by the drone that was filming them.

① frighten sb. into doing sth.的意思是“把某人吓得做某事”。

e.g. He frightened me into staying silent.

② that在这里引导了一个定语从句,对先行词drone进行修饰限定。


Complete each sentence using one word from the box in its correct form. Note that there is one word more than you need and you can use each word only once.

admiring experience recently unnecessary avoid strange

1. His most ________ overseas trip was to visit Eiffel Tower in France last May.

2. The booklet provides all the ________ information about the company.

3. She ________ his boss for the way he dealt with the situation.

4. You will find that New York has no shortage of ________ named clubs.

5. Everyone ________ these problems sometime in their lives.

Key: recent necessary admired strangely experiences


1. 我到家时,我的父母正忙着准备晚餐。(prepare)

2. 莎士比亚的作品对许多现代作家产生了影响。(influence n.)

3. 说来奇怪,我站在舞台上面对观众时一点也不紧张。(enough)

Possible answers:

1. When I got home, my parents were busy preparing dinner.

2. Shakespeare's works have had an influence on many modern writers.

3. Strangely enough, I didn't feel nervous at all when I stood on the stage facing the audience.


Choose the best answer.

1. What's the wild animals' reaction toward the author when he was walking in the woods?

A. Curious. B. Excited.

C. Scared. D. Violent.

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason why nature scientists feel upset about the recent video of two bears in Russia?

A. Because the habitat in the video is poor for the bear.

B. Because the video was filmed by a drone.

C. Because they worried that drones had a bad effect on the bears’ health.

D. Because human activities are disturbing wildlife.

3. What's the author's intention in writing this article?

A. To criticize those people who use drones to film wild animals.

B. To express his appreciation for nature and wildlife.

C. To illustrate that human beings are having a bad influence on wildlife.

D. To inspire readers not to get too close to wildlife.

Key: CAD


In recent years, drones have played an important role in helping save wildlife and protect the environment. However, many cases have shown that they are disturbing wildlife. In your opinion, how can drones and wildlife co-exist? Have a discussion with your classmates.


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