

Purity, Clarity and Tranquility


The white color of snow symbolizes purity. This is the common feeling in poetry in both the east and the west. Poets compare snow to moral nobility or chastity. Snow is used to describe hermit and saintly women.


When it snows, the sky turns dark. And there are not many strong winds during a snowfall. On the contrary, it is generally a quiet time whether it snows heavily or lightly. In such weather, it might be nice to take rest and do something light and leisure.


Generally, there will be gales after snow stops and the weather turns colder. And then there will be clear days. And whether in the day or at night, the snowy scene is peaceful, clear and bright.


Although it snows in both the south and the north in China, people’s feelings and activities related to snow are greatly different because there is large difference in temperature.


In South China, poets usually stayed in their retreat when it snowed and enjoyed the free and cozy moment. Although cold might bring the feeling of loneliness, a hermit often enjoyed the solitude in the purity and peace between the heaven and the earth.


In ancient times, North China was often regarded as a region of frontier forts, which included the peripheries around the Great Wall. Poets there often live with garrison. The hard life on the frontiers gave people a strong and generous mind. Although it was inevitable to suffer the affliction of extreme cold when the north wind brought heavy snowfall, a poet saw more about tragic but solemn heroism at the moment.





Snow falls heavily

Over camp gate in the evening.

Wind pulls up red flags,

Which, being frozen, cannot fly.

When seeing you off

At the east gate of Bugur,

Snow covers up

The roads in Mount Tianshan.

Road turns around a mountain,

Where you cannot be seen any more.

Only traces are left on the snow

Where horses walk along.

——Cen Shen, An Ode to White Snow for Seeing Judge Wu Off and Back to the Capital

#翻译# #教育# #英语# #诗歌# #雪#
