python生成每日报表数据Excel并邮件发送的实例逻辑比较简单 ,直接上代码
#coding:utf-8 from __future__ import liision import pymssql,sys,datetime,xlwt import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.header import Header reload (sys) sys.setdefaultencoding( "utf-8" ) class MSSQL: def __init__( self ,host,user,pwd,db): self .host = host self .user = user self .pwd = pwd self .db = db def __GetConnect( self ): if not self .db: raise (NameError,"") self .conn = pymssql.connect(host = self .host,user = self .user,password = self .pwd,database = self .db,charset = "utf8" ) cur = self .conn.cursor() if not cur: raise (NameError,"") else : return cur def ExecQuery( self ,sql): cur = self .__GetConnect() cur.execute(sql) resList = cur.fetchall() # self .conn.close() return resList def ExecNonQuery( self ,sql): cur = self .__GetConnect() cur.execute(sql) self .conn.commit() self .conn.close() def write_data_to_excel( self ,name,sql): # 将sql作为参数传递调用get_data并将结果赋值给result,(result为一个嵌套元组) result = self .ExecQuery(sql) # 实例化一个Workbook()对象(即excel文件) wbk = xlwt.Workbook() # 新建一个名为Sheet1的excel sheet。此处的cell_overwrite_ok =True是为了能对同一个单元格重复操作。 sheet = wbk.add_sheet( 'Sheet1' ,cell_overwrite_ok = True ) # 获取当前日期,得到一个datetime对象如:(2016, 8, 9, 23, 12, 23, 424000) today = yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(days = 1 ) # 将获取到的datetime对象仅取日期如:2016-8-9 yesterdaytime = yesterday.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d" ) # 遍历result中的没个元素。 for i in xrange ( len (result)): #对result的每个子元素作遍历, for j in xrange ( len (result[i])): #将每一行的每个元素按行号i,列号j,写入到excel中。 sheet.write(i,j,result[i][j]) # 以传递的name+当前日期作为excel名称保存。 filename = name + str (yesterdaytime) + '.xls' return filename ms = MSSQL(host = "122.229.*.*" ,user = "root" ,pwd = "root" ,db = "test" ) today = yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(days = 1 ) yesterdayStart = yesterday.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d" ) + ' 00:00:00' yesterdayEnd = yesterday.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d" ) + ' 23:59:59' print yesterdayStart preCheckCountSuccesSql = "select count(1) FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =1 and result = 'true' and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart + "' and '" + yesterdayEnd + "'"; preCheckUseridSuccesSql = "select count(DISTINCT userid) FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =1 and result = 'true' and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart +"' and '"+yesterdayEnd + "'" ; preCheckCountErrorSql = "select count(1) FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =1 and result = 'false' and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart + "' and '" + yesterdayEnd + "'"; preCheckUseridErrorSql = "select count(DISTINCT userid) FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =1 and result = 'false' and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart +"' and '"+yesterdayEnd + "'" ; orderSucessCountSql = "select count(1) FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =2 and action =1 and result = 'true' and notifyresult = 0 and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart + "' and '" + yesterdayEnd + "'"; orderErrorCountSql = "select count(1) FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =2 and action =1 and result = 'true' and notifyresult IS NOT NULL and notifyresult != 0 and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart +"' and '"+yesterdayEnd + "'" ; unsubscribeSucessCountSql = "select count(1) FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =2 and action =2 and result = 'true' and notifyresult = 0 and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart + "' and '" + yesterdayEnd + "'"; unsubscribeErrorCountSql = "select count(1) FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =2 and action =2 and result = 'true' and notifyresult IS NOT NULL and notifyresult != 0 and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart +"' and '"+yesterdayEnd + "'" ; orderKadanSql = "select count(1) FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =2 and action =1 and result = 'true' and notifyresult IS NULL and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart + "' and '" + yesterdayEnd + "'"; unsubscribeKadanSql = "select count(1) FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =2 and action =2 and result = 'true' and notifyresult IS NULL and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart +"' and '"+yesterdayEnd + "'" ; preCherkKeyList = [ 'CRM预校验成功单子数量:' , 'CRM预校验成功账号数量:' , 'CRM预校验失败单子数量:' , 'CRM预校验失败账号数量:' , '订购的订单数 成功:' , '订购的订单数 失败:' , '订购卡单数:' , '退订的订单数 成功:' , '退订的订单数 失败:' , '退订卡单数:' ] preCherkL = { 'CRM预校验成功单子数量:' :preCheckCountSuccesSql , 'CRM预校验成功账号数量:' :preCheckUseridSuccesSql , 'CRM预校验失败单子数量:' :preCheckCountErrorSql , 'CRM预校验失败账号数量:' :preCheckUseridErrorSql} preCherkL[ '订购的订单数 成功:' ] = orderSucessCountSql preCherkL[ '订购的订单数 失败:' ] = orderErrorCountSql preCherkL[ '订购卡单数:' ] = orderKadanSql preCherkL[ '退订的订单数 成功:' ] = unsubscribeSucessCountSql preCherkL[ '退订的订单数 失败:' ] = unsubscribeErrorCountSql preCherkL[ '退订卡单数:' ] = unsubscribeKadanSql mailMessageText = '' for key in preCherkKeyList: reslist = ms.ExecQuery(preCherkL[key]) for i in reslist: for n in i: mailMessageText = mailMessageText + key + bytes(n) + '\n' crmOrderHandleTimeSql = "select addtime , notifytime FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =2 and action =1 and result = 'true' and notifyresult =0 and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart + "' and '" + yesterdayEnd + "'"; crmunsubscribeHandleTimeSql = "select addtime , notifytime FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =2 and action =2 and result = 'true' and notifyresult =0 and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart +"' and '"+yesterdayEnd + "'" ; crmOrderHandle = ms.ExecQuery(crmOrderHandleTimeSql) orderCount = len (crmOrderHandle) if orderCount ! = 0 : totleTime = 0 for temp in crmOrderHandle: addtime = temp[ 0 ] notifytime = temp[ 1 ] # adddate = datetime.datetime.strptime(addtime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # notifydate =datetime.datetime.strptime(notifytime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") chazhi = (notifytime - addtime).seconds / 60 totleTime = float (totleTime) + float (chazhi) mailMessageText = mailMessageText + '订购平均处理时长:' + bytes( float (totleTime) / orderCount) + '分' + '\n' crmunsubscribeHandle = ms.ExecQuery(crmunsubscribeHandleTimeSql) subscribeCount = len (crmunsubscribeHandle) if subscribeCount ! = 0 : subscribetotleTime = 0 for temp in crmunsubscribeHandle: addtime = temp[ 0 ] notifytime = temp[ 1 ] # adddate = datetime.datetime.strptime(addtime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # notifydate = datetime.datetime.strptime(notifytime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") chazhi = (notifytime - addtime).seconds / 60 subscribetotleTime = float (subscribetotleTime) + float (chazhi) mailMessageText = mailMessageText + '退订平均处理时长:' + bytes( float (subscribetotleTime) / subscribeCount) + '分' + '\n' mailMessageText = mailMessageText + '附件为 :预校验失败订单,订购/退订失败订单,卡单订单' + '\n' print mailMessageText #生成excel文件 preCheckErrorname = 'preCheckError' preCerroeFile = ms.write_data_to_excel(preCheckErrorname, "select ordercode,userid,productid,action,msg FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =1 and result = 'false' and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart + "' and '" + yesterdayEnd + "'") orderErrorname = 'orderFalse' ordererroeFile = ms.write_data_to_excel(orderErrorname, "select ordercode,userid,productid,action,sg,notifyresult,notifymsg FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =2 and result = 'true' and notifyresult IS NOT NULL and notifyresult != 0 and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart +"' and '"+yesterdayEnd + "'" ) kadanname = 'noSynchMsg' kadanFile = ms.write_data_to_excel(kadanname, "select ordercode,userid,productid,sg,action FROM tb_crmorders WHERE type =2 and result = 'true' and notifyresult IS NULL and addtime BETWEEN '" + yesterdayStart + "' and '" + yesterdayEnd + "'" ) # 第三方 SMTP 服务 mail_host = "" #设置服务器 mail_user = ##" #用户名 mail_pass = "##" #口令 sender = '' receivers = [ '' ] # 接收邮件,可设置为你的QQ邮箱或者其他邮箱 #创建一个带附件的实例 message = MIMEMultipart() message[ 'From' ] = Header( "测试" , 'utf-8' ) message[ 'To' ] = Header( " , " .join(receivers), 'utf-8' ) subject = 'CRM订单日数据' + yesterday.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d' ) message[ 'Subject' ] = Header(subject, 'utf-8' ) #邮件正文内容 message.attach(MIMEText(mailMessageText, 'plain' , 'utf-8' )) #设置邮件名片(html格式) # html = file('qianming.html').read().decode("utf-8") # message.attach(MIMEText(html, 'html', 'utf-8')) # 构造附件1,传送当前目录下的preCerroeFile 文件 att1 = MIMEText( open (preCerroeFile, 'rb' ).read(), 'base64' , 'utf-8' ) att1[ "Content-Type" ] = 'application/octet-stream' # 这里的filename可以任意写,写什么名字,邮件中显示什么名字 att1[ "Content-Disposition" ] = 'attachment; filename=' + preCerroeFile message.attach(att1) att2 = MIMEText( open (ordererroeFile, 'rb' ).read(), 'base64' , 'utf-8' ) att2[ "Content-Type" ] = 'application/octet-stream' att2[ "Content-Disposition" ] = 'attachment; filename=' + ordererroeFile message.attach(att2) att3 = MIMEText( open (kadanFile, 'rb' ).read(), 'base64' , 'utf-8' ) att3[ "Content-Type" ] = 'application/octet-stream' att3[ "Content-Disposition" ] = 'attachment; filename=' + kadanFile message.attach(att3) try : smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP() smtpObj.connect(mail_host, 25 ) # 25 为 SMTP 端口号 smtpObj.login(mail_user,mail_pass) smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receivers, message.as_string()) print "邮件发送成功" except smtplib.SMTPException,e: print "Error: 无法发送邮件" + repr (e) |