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  • # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
  • import re
  • def print_match_res(res):
  •   """打印匹配对象内容"""
  •   if res is not None:
  •     print(res.group())
  •   else:
  •     print(None)
  • # 两种匹配方式:
  • pattern="[A-Z][a-z]+"
  • # 一、使用re模块函数进行匹配
  • res=re.match(pattern,"Tom is a good boy")     # 匹配,返回匹配对象
  • print(type(res))
  • print(res.group())
  • # 二、使用预编译后的正则表达式对象的方法进行匹配
  • obj_pattern=re.compile(pattern)   # 预编译,返回正则表达式对象
  • print(type(obj_pattern))
  • res=obj_pattern.match("Tom is a good boy")    # 匹配,返回匹配对象
  • print(type(res))
  • print(res.group())
  • # 匹配对象的group()和groups()方法
  • pattern="\d{3}-\d{5}"
  • obj_pattern=re.compile(pattern)
  • res=obj_pattern.search("家庭电话:000-88886")
  • print(res.group())   # 返回整个匹配或特定子组
  • print(res.groups())   # 返回包含全部子组的元组
  • # match():从起始部分开始匹配,如果成功,返回匹配对象;失败,返回None。只匹配一次
  • pattern="my"
  • # res=re.compile(pattern).match("my name is li")
  • res=re.match(pattern,"my name is li")
  • print_match_res(res)
  • # search(): 从任意位置开始匹配,如果成功,返回匹配对象;失败,返回None。只匹配一次
  • pattern="my"
  • # res=re.compile(pattern).search("it's my dog")
  • res=re.search(pattern,"my name is li")
  • print_match_res(res)
  • # 查找全部
  • # findall(),finditer()
  • res=re.findall(r"th\w+","This and that",re.I)
  • print(res)
  • res=re.finditer(r"th\w+","This and that",re.I)
  • print(res)
  • print(next(res).group(),next(res).group())
  • # 替换
  • # sub(),subn()
  • res=re.sub("funny","fool","You are so funny")
  • print(res)
  • res=re.subn("funny","fool","You are so funny")
  • print(res)
  • # 分割
  • # splite()
  • res=re.split("\.","Mr.Smith")
  • print(res)
  • print("#"*50)
  • # 择一匹配符号 a|b
  • pattern="I|You|She"
  • res=re.compile(pattern,flags=re.IGNORECASE).match("i love you")
  • print_match_res(res)
  • res=re.compile(pattern,flags=re.I).search("who love you")
  • print_match_res(res)
  • # 匹配任意单个字符 .
  • pattern="w{3,}\..+\.com"
  • res=re.match(pattern,"wwww.google.com/index.html",re.I)
  • print_match_res(res)
  • # 字符集 [abc] [a-z0-9]
  • pattern="[A-Za-z0-9_]*\."
  • res=re.match(pattern,"Python3.?")
  • print_match_res(res)
  • # 特殊字符 \d \w \s \b \\
  • # 重复 + ? * {N,} {N,M}
  • # 分组 (...)
  • pattern="\w+@(\w{1,10}\.)*([a-z]*)"
  • res=re.match(pattern,"li@gmail.com")
  • print_match_res(res)
  • res=re.match(pattern,"li@qq.vip.org")
  • print_match_res(res)
  • print(res.group(0),res.group(1),res.group(2),sep="\t")
  • print(res.groups())
  • # 匹配字符串的起始和结尾,单词边界 ^a z$ \A \Z \b \B
  • pattern=r"^the"
  • # pattern=r"\Athe"
  • res=re.search(pattern,"The end of the world")
  • print_match_res(res)
  • res=re.search(pattern,"they smile")
  • print_match_res(res)
  • pattern=r"cry$"
  • # pattern=r"cry\Z"
  • res=re.search(pattern,"they cry")
  • print_match_res(res)
  • res=re.search(r"\bthe","bit the dog")
  • print_match_res(res)
  • res=re.search(r"\Bhe","bit the dog")
  • print_match_res(res)
  • 总结




