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时间:2022-01-20 00:41:47类别:脚本大全









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  • import requests
  • from urllib.parse import quote
  • from bs4 import beautifulsoup
  • import re
  • from weixinspider.html2doc import myhtmlparser
  • class weixinspider(object):
  •  def __init__(self, gzh_name, pageno,keyword):
  •   self.gzh_name = gzh_name
  •   self.pageno = pageno
  •   self.keyword = keyword.lower()
  •   self.page_url = []
  •   self.article_list = []
  •   self.headers = {
  •    'user-agent': 'mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/70.0.3538.110 safari/537.36'}
  •   self.timeout = 5
  •   # [...] 用来表示一组字符,单独列出:[amk] 匹配 'a','m'或'k'
  •   # re+ 匹配1个或多个的表达式。
  •   self.pattern = r'[\\/:*?"<>|\r\n]+'
  •  def get_page_url(self):
  •   for i in range(1,self.pageno+1):
  •    # https://weixin.sogou.com/weixin?query=从零开始学自动化测试&_sug_type_=&s_from=input&_sug_=n&type=2&page=2&ie=utf8
  •    url = "https://weixin.sogou.com/weixin?query=%s&_sug_type_=&s_from=input&_sug_=n&type=2&page=%s&ie=utf8" \
  •      % (quote(self.gzh_name),i)
  •    self.page_url.append(url)
  •  def get_article_url(self):
  •   article = {}
  •   for url in self.page_url:
  •    response = requests.get(url,headers=self.headers,timeout=self.timeout)
  •    result = beautifulsoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
  •    articles = result.select('ul[class="news-list"] > li > li[class="txt-box"] > h3 > a ')
  •    for a in articles:
  •     # print(a.text)
  •     # print(a["href"])
  •     if self.keyword in a.text.lower():
  •       new_text=re.sub(self.pattern,"",a.text)
  •       article[new_text] = a["href"]
  •       self.article_list.append(article)
  • headers = {'user-agent':
  •       'mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/70.0.3538.110 safari/537.36'}
  • timeout = 5
  • gzh_name = 'pytest文档'
  • my_gzh = weixinspider(gzh_name,5,'pytest')
  • my_gzh.get_page_url()
  • # print(my_gzh.page_url)
  • my_gzh.get_article_url()
  • # print(my_gzh.article_list)
  • for article in my_gzh.article_list:
  •  for (key,value) in article.items():
  •   url=value
  •   html_response = requests.get(url,headers=headers,timeout=timeout)
  •   myhtmlparser = myhtmlparser(key)
  •   myhtmlparser.feed(html_response.text)
  •   myhtmlparser.doc.save(myhtmlparser.docfile)
  • html2doc.py

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  • from html.parser import htmlparser
  • import requests
  • from docx import document
  • import re
  • from docx.shared import rgbcolor
  • import docx
  • class myhtmlparser(htmlparser):
  •  def __init__(self,docname):
  •   htmlparser.__init__(self)
  •   self.docname=docname
  •   self.docfile = r"d:\pytest\%s.doc"%self.docname
  •   self.doc=document()
  •   self.title = false
  •   self.code = false
  •   self.text=''
  •   self.processing =none
  •   self.codeprocessing =none
  •   self.picindex = 1
  •   self.headers = {
  •    'user-agent': 'mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/70.0.3538.110 safari/537.36'}
  •   self.timeout = 5
  •  def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):
  •   # 图片的处理比较复杂,首先需要找到对应的图片的url,然后下载并写入doc中
  •   if tag == "img":
  •    if len(attrs) == 0:
  •     pass
  •    else:
  •     for (variable, value) in attrs:
  •      if variable == "data-type":
  •       picname = r"d:\pytest\%s%s.%s" % (self.docname, self.picindex, value)
  •       # print(picname)
  •      if variable == "data-src":
  •       picdata = requests.get(value, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout)
  •       # print(value)
  •     self.picindex = self.picindex + 1
  •     # print(self.picindex)
  •     with open(picname, "wb") as pic:
  •      pic.write(picdata.content)
  •     try:
  •      self.doc.add_picture(picname)
  •     except docx.image.exceptions.unexpectedendoffileerror as e:
  •      print(e)
  •  def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
  •   if re.match(r"h(\d)", tag):
  •    self.title = true
  •   if tag =="p":
  •    self.processing = tag
  •   if tag == "code":
  •    self.code = true
  •    self.codeprocessing = tag
  •  def handle_data(self, data):
  •    if self.title == true:
  •     self.doc.add_heading(data, level=2)
  •    # if self.in_li == true and self.tag == "p":
  •    if self.processing:
  •     self.text = self.text + data
  •    if self.code == true:
  •     p =self.doc.add_paragraph()
  •     run=p.add_run(data)
  •     run.font.color.rgb = rgbcolor(111,111,111)
  •  def handle_endtag(self, tag):
  •   self.title = false
  •   # self.code = false
  •   if tag == self.processing:
  •    self.doc.add_paragraph(self.text)
  •    self.processing = none
  •    self.text=''
  •   if tag == self.codeprocessing:
  •    self.code =false
  • 运行结果:






