1.I’ve been working as a Chinese teacher for five years, ever since I graduated from university. ,今天小编就来聊一聊关于工作类的句子?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



1.I’ve been working as a Chinese teacher for five years, ever since I graduated from university.


2.I’m an IT consultant at an IT company. I’ve been working there for more than three years.


3.What I do is just a nine-to-five job. It’s not very tiring or stressful.


nine-to-five 朝九晚五的

stressful 压力重的

4.I’ve wanted to become a doctor ever since I was a kid. I’ve always liked helping people.


5.I work in advertising and my boyfriend works in finance.


work in ... 在某一个领域工作

6.I’m responsible for updating the company website.


7.My best friend is a human resources manager and she is in charge of interviewing candidates for jobs.


human resources 人力资源

be in charge of ... 主管、负责...

a candidate for a job 工作求职者

8.My previous job mainly involved giving tours of the museum.


previous 之前的、先前的

involve ... 包含...

9.I’m between jobs at the moment.


between jobs 待业

at the moment 现在、当下

10.I’m currently unemployed. I’m in dire need of a job to pay my bills.


unemployed 失业的、待业的

be in dire need of ... 急需...

11.My mom once told me that being a teacher was her dream job. It was a pity that her dream wasn’t realized.


a pity 遗憾的事

realize ... 实现...

12.One thing I like about my job is that I get to work on a team. It feels satisfying to collaborate with people on a project.


get to do sth 得以、能够...

satisfying 令人满足的

collaborate 合作、协作

13.I’m really fond of my job mainly because of all the challenges I constantly have to face.


constantly 始终、一直

face ... 面对...

14.It gives me a sense of achievement every time I’ve overcome some difficulties in my job.


a sense of achievement 成就感

overcome difficulties 克服困难

15.I chose to become a sales representative because I was convinced it would help enhance my people skills.


a sales representative 销售代表

be convinced that ... 确信...

people skills 人际交往能力

16.My company offers flextime and other benefits such as end-of-year bonuses.


flextime 弹性工作时间

benefit 福利

end-of-year bonus 年终奖

17.What I don’t like about my current job is the long commute. It takes me roughly one and a half hours to get to work every day.


commute n./v. 通勤(时间)

roughly 大约、差不多

18.I always need to work overtime without getting paid. I’m seriously considering quitting my job.


work overtime 加班

quit my job 辞职

19.The work I do is rather repetitive. The boredom makes me want to resign.


repetitive 重复乏味的

boredom n. 无聊感

resign 辞职

20.My cousin always complains to me that she is overworked and underpaid.


overworked 工作过多的

underpaid 报酬过低的

21.One of my friends has been working from home since three years ago. I really envy her.


work from home 在家里工作(注意介词一般用from)

envy ... 羡慕...

22.Whether someone enjoys their job or not depends largely on their relationship with colleagues.


someone并没有提到男女,后边可以用they, them, their ...替代

depend on ... 取决于...

largely 在很大程度上

23.I’ve developed good rapport with my coworkers.


rapport 融洽、和谐

24.Some managers and supervisors like to micromanage and this makes it hard for an employee to like his or her job.


micromanage 微观管理(形容一位上司事必躬亲,再小的时候都要插手管理)

employee 员工、受雇者

25.I was promised a promotion six months ago, but I still haven’t gotten it.


promise 承诺

promotion n. 升职

26.Jason treated us to dinner last week because he had just gotten a pay raise.


treat sb to sth 请客、招待...

a pay raise 涨薪

27.It would be great if I could move from a small cubicle to a big office.


cubicle 一个大办公室里面的员工小隔间

28.All skills matter in the workplace, but the most important ones are probably interpersonal and communication skills.


matter v. 重要、有重要影响

interpersonal skills 人际交往能力

29.There’s no point in earning a big salary without deriving any pleasure from the job.


there’s no point in ... ...没有意义

earn ... 赚取...

derive pleasure from ... 从...中获得乐趣

30.Many people look for jobs that have good job security.


job security 工作安全感、工作保障
