1981年3月30日,美国总统里根遭遇枪击,幸好抢救及时得以迅速恢复,他惊吓过后说了一句话:"Honey, I forget to duck.”猜猜这句话是什么意思?对了,是“亲爱的,我忘记闪开了”,他用“duck”鸭子这个词来形容“闪开”这个动作,既诙谐又恰到好处。
Stop bugging me, man!
这个词在英语中有小虫子、臭虫的意思,这可是惹人厌烦的动物。如果有人说:“Stop bugging me, man!”,我们不难猜到它的意思:“喂,别像臭虫那样烦我了!”。
wolf down his food.
平时我们形容某人吃饭简直是狼吞虎咽,英语中也是用“wolf”来形容的。如果你看到谁在狼吞虎咽地吃东西,你完全可以用“wolf down his food”来形容他的吃相。
猜猜看,下面这些和动物有关的描述,是什么意思:as busy as a bee
as cunning as a fox
as gentle as a lamb
as graceful as a swan
as poor as a church mouse
lead a cat-and-dog life
I haven’t finished my work, so I have to face the music.
I must face the music and accept responsibility.
If I cannot, I will face the music without regret.