





Camilla Cream loved lima beans. But she never ate them. All of her friends hated lima beans, and she wanted to fit in.

Camilla was always worried about what other people thought of her.

Today she was fretting even more than usual. It was the first day of school, and she couldn't decide what to wear. There were so many people to impress!

She tried on forty-two outfits, but none seemed pretty quite right. She put on a pretty red dress and looked in the mirror. Then she screamed.





Her mother ran into the room, and she screamed, too. "Oh my heavens!" she cried. "You're completely covered with stripes!"

This was certainly true. Camilla was striped from head to toe.She looked like a rainbow.

Mrs. Cream felt Camilla's forehead. "Do you feel all right?" she asked.

"I feel fine,"Camilla answered, "but just look at me!"

"You get back in bed this instant, "her mother ordered. "You're not going to school today.

Camilla was relieved. She didn't want to miss the first day of school, but she was afraid of what the other kids would say. And she had no idea what to wear with those crazy stripes.








That afternoon,Dr.Bumble came to examine Camilla.

"Most extraordinary!"he exclaimed. "I've never seen anything like it.

Are you having anycoughing,sneezing, runny nose, aches, pains, chills, hot flashes, dizziness, drowsiness,shortness of breath,or uncontrollable twitching?"

"No," Camilla told him. I feel fine."

"Well then, Dr. Bumble said, turning to Mrs. Cream, "I don't see any reason why she shouldn't go to school tomorrow.Here's some ointment that should help clear up those stripes in a fewdays. If it doesn't, you know where to reach me."

And off he went.

那天下午,Dr.Bumble 来给卡米拉做检查。



“那好吧,Dr.Bumble 说,他转向Mrs. Cream,“我找不出任何理由让她明天不去上学。这里有一些药膏应该可以在几天内消除这些条纹。如果还是没效的话,你知道在哪里能找到我。



The next day was a disaster. Everyone at school laughed at Camilla. They called her "Camilla Crayon" and "Night of the Living Lollipop."

She tried her best to act as if everything were normal, but When class said the Pledge of Allegiance, her stripes turned red, white, and blue, and she broke out in stars!




The other kids thought this was great. One yelled out, "Let's see some purple polka dots! Sure enough, Camilla turned all purple polka-dotty.

Someone else shouted,"Checkerboard!"and a pattern of squares covered her skin.

Soon everyone was calling out different shapes and colors, and poor Camilla was changing faster than you can change channels on a TV.







That night, Mr. Harms, the school principal, called. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Cream," he said. "I'm going to have to ask you to keep Camilla home from school.

She's just too much of a distraction, and I've been getting calls from the other parents. They're afraid those stripes may be contagious."

Camilla was so embarrassed. She couldn't believe that two days ago everyone liked her. Now, nobody wanted to be in the same room with her.

Her father tried to make her feel better. "Is there anything I can get you, sweetheart?"he asked.

"No, thank you, sighed Camilla. What she really wanted was nice plate of lima beans, but she had been laughed at enough for one day.

那天晚上,学校的校长Mr. Harms打电话到家里。“我很抱歉,克莉姆太太,他说,“我要请你让卡米拉待在家里,暂时别来上学。她让其他同学分心,我也一直接到其他家长打来的电话,他们很担心那些条纹会传染他们孩子。”





"Hmm, well, yes, I see," Dr. Bumble mumbled when Mr. Cream phoned the next day. "I think I'd better bring in the Specialists. We'll be right over."

About an hour later, Dr. Bumble arrived with four people in long white coats. He introduced them to the Creams. "This is Dr. Grop , Dr. Sponge, Dr. Cricket, and Dr. Young

Then the Specialists went to work on Camilla. They squeezed and jabbed, tapped and tested. It was very uncomfortable.

"Well, it's not the mumps, "concluded Dr. Grop.

"Or the measles," said Dr. Sponge.

"Definitely not chicken pox, "put in Dr. Cricket.

"Or sunburn, said Dr. Young.

"Try these, "said the Specialists.

They each handed her a bottle filled with different colored pills.

"Take one of each before bed," said Dr. Grop.

Then they filed out the front door, followed by Dr. Bumble.

“嗯,好的,是的,我知道了,当Mrs. Cream太太第二天打电话过去时,Dr. Bumble 喃喃自语地说,“我想我最好带几位专科医生到你们家。我们一会就到。”

大约一小时后,Dr. Bumble 和四个穿着白大褂的人一起抵达。他向克莉姆一家介绍他们,“这几位是Dr. Grop , Dr. Sponge, Dr. Cricket, and Dr. Young。”


“嗯,不是腮腺炎。"Dr. Grop下了结论。“也不是麻疹。”Dr. Sponge说。

“绝对不是水痘。”Dr. Cricket补充说。

“也不像是晒伤。"Dr. Young.说。


“上床睡觉前,每种药丸吃一粒。Dr. Grop医生说。

接着他们就依次走出前门,Dr. Bumble走在最后。


That night, Camilla took her medicine. It was awful. When she woke up the next morning, he did feel different, but when she got dressed, her clothes didn’t fit right.

She looked in the mirror, and there, staring back at her, was a giant, multi-colored pill with her face on it.




Dr. Bumble rushed over as soon as Mrs. Cream called. But this time, instead of the Specialists, he brought the Experts.

Dr. Gourd and Mr. Mellon were the finest scientific minds in the land. Once again, Camilla was poked and prodded, looked at and listened to. The Experts wrote down lots of numbers. Then they huddled together and whispered.

Dr. Gourd finally spoke. "It might be a virus, he announced with authority. Suddenly, fuzzy little virus balls appeared all over Camilla.

"Or possibly some form of bacteria, "said Mr.Mellon.Out popped squiggly little bacteria tails

"Or it could be a fungus," added Dr. Gourd. Instantly, Camilla was covered with different colored fungus blotches.

The Experts looked at Camilla, then at each other. "We need to go over these numbers again back at the lab, Dr. Gourd explained. "We'll call you when we know something. "

But the Experts didn't have a clue, much less a cure.

一打电话,Dr. Bumble就迅速赶到。这一次,他没带专科医生,带来了专家。Dr. Gourd and Mr. Mellon都是最权威的。卡米拉被戳戳,看看,听听。专家们写下很多数据,然后聚在一起低声商议着。

Dr. Gourd 最后开口了。他很权威地宣布:“可能是由病毒引起的”。突然,毛茸茸的小病毒球就出现在卡米拉的全身。

“或者也可能是某种形态的细菌,“ Mr. Mellon说。卡米拉身上又跳出弯弯曲曲的细菌小尾巴。

“也有可能是一种真菌。”Dr. Gourd补充说。卡米拉身上立刻布满了不同颜色的真菌斑块。

专家们看看卡米拉,看看对方。“我们需要回到实验室检验这些数据,Dr. Gourd解释道,“我们一有结果,就打电话给你。”



By now, the T.V. news had found out about Camilla. Reporters from every channel were outside her house, telling the story of "The Bizarre Case of the Incredible Changing Kid."

Soon a huge crowd was camped out on the front lawn.




The Creams were swamped with all kinds of remedies from psychologists, allergists, herbalists, nutritionists, psychics, an old medicine man, guru, and even a veterinarian.

Each so-called cure only added to poor Camilla's strange appearance until it was hard to even recognize her. She sprouted roots and berries and crystals and feathers and a long furry tail.

But nothing worked.


The Creams家涌进各式各样的疗法:心理学家、过敏学家、草药学家、营养学家、精神学家,还有一位年老的巫医、一位智者,甚至还有一位兽医。




One day, a woman who called herself an Environmental Therapist claimed she could cure Camilla.

"Close your eyes, "she said. "Breathe deeply, and become one with your room."

"I wish you hadn't said that, "Camilla groaned.

Slowly, she started to melt into the walls of her room. Her bed became her mouth, her nose was

dresser, and two paintings were her eyes. The therapist screamed and ran from the house.

"What are we going to do?" cried Mrs. Cream. "It just keeps getting worse and worse!"She began to sob.







“我们该怎么办啊?“Mrs. Cream哭着说,“情况越来越糟!她开始抽抽搭搭地小声哭泣。


At that moment, Mr. Cream heard a quiet little knock at the front door. He opened it, and there stood an old woman who was just as plump and sweet as a strawberry.

"Excuse me," she said brightly. "But I think I can help."

就在这个时候,Mr. Cream听见前门传来一阵轻轻的敲门声。他打开门,门外站着一位像草莓一样胖胖的、甜甜的老婆婆。



She went into Camilla's room and looked around."My goodness,"she said with a shake of her head.

"What we have here is a bad case of stripes. One of the worst I've ever seen!"

She pulled a container of small green beans from her bag.

"Are those magic beans? asked Mrs. Cream.

"Oh my, no,"replied the kind old woman "There's no such thing. These are just plain old lima beans. I'll bet you'd like some wouldn't you?" she asked Camilla.

Camilla wanted a big heaping plateful of lima beans more than just about anything, but she was still afraid to admit it.

"Yuck!"she said. "No one likes lima beans, especially me!"

"Oh, dear,"the old woman said sadly. "I guess I was wrong about you. "She put the beans back in her bag and started toward the door.

Camilla watched the old woman walk away. Those beans would taste so good. And being laughed at for eating them was nothing compared to what she'd been going through. She finally couldn't stand it.

Wait!"she cried. "The truth is... I really love lima beans."

I thought so,"the old woman said with a smile. She took a handful of beans and popped them into Camilla's mouth.





“这些是魔豆吗?Mrs. Cream问。”










Suddenly the branches, feathers, and squiggly tails began to disappear. Then the whole room swirled around. When it stopped, there stood Camilla, and everything was back to normal.

"I'm cured!" she shouted.

"Yes," said the old woman. "I knew the real you was in there somewhere."She patted Camilla on the head. Then she went outside and vanished into the crowd.






Afterward, Camilla wasn't quite the same. Some of the kids at school said she was weird, but she didn't care a bit. She ate all the lima beans she wanted, and she never had even a touch of stripes again.
















