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英语每日晨读零基础 让阅读成为一种习惯(5)

Linda was a good girl, but she was often late for school.


One day, she was late again. When she came in, Mr. Clark, her teacher said angrily, "I'll tell your father if you are late again." Linda didn't want him to do that. Because her father was very strict with her.

一天,琳达又迟到了。当她进来的时候,她的老师克拉克先生生气地说:"如果你再迟到, 我就通知你爸爸。"琳达不想他那么做,因为她爸爸对她要求很严格。

The next morning, Linda got up early. She hurried to school. At the school gate, she stopped. Because there was a wallet on the ground. As she stood there, she heard the first bell, "What shall I do?" she asked herself, "I'll turn it in first." She decided. And so she did.


When she hurried into her classroom, Mr. Clack was already beginning his class.


"Linda! Didn't I tell you to be here on time?" Mr. Clack said as he saw her.


"I'm sorry, sir," Linda tried to explain, "I'm late because I had to…?"


"I don't listen to any excuse," Mr. Clack stopped her. "If you can't get here on time, I have to tell your father."

"我不想听任何借口,"克拉克阻止道, "如果你不能准时到这儿,我不得不告诉你父亲。"

"But Mr. Clack. It's …it's unfair!"


"Unfair! How dare you say that?" Mr. Clack said angrily, "I'll report you to the headmaster."


"I was only trying to do a good deed," Linda thought,"and now…" She couldn't keep back her tears.


When the bell rang for the break, the door opened and Mr. White, the headmaster came in. He was holding a wallet in his hand, "Excuse me, Mr. Clack. Is this your wallet?"


"Oh, yes. It's my wallet. Who found it? I must thank him."


"Linda found it and turned it in before school started." Mr. White said.


Mr. Clack's face slowly turned red. He looked at Linda and said, "I'm very sorry. Linda. I take back what I said."


"And I'm sorry. Mr. Clack. I'll try not to be late again." Linda said.


英语每日晨读零基础 让阅读成为一种习惯(6)

be late for school 上学迟到

angrily (angry 的副词形式)

be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

get up early 起床很早

hurry to school 勿忙去上学

on the ground 在地上

turn…in 上交……

decide v. 决定

hurry into the classroom 匆忙走进教室

already adv. 已经

on time 按时,准时

try to do sth. 尽力做某事;努力做某事

explain v. 说明;解释

excuse n. 借口;理由

stop sb. 阻止某人

have to 必须;不得不

unfair adj. 不公平的,不公正的

dare v. 胆敢

report v. 报告,汇报

do a good deed 做一件好事

thought (think 的过去式)

keep back 阻止

tear n. 眼泪

ring v. 发出铃声

break n. 间断;休息

hold sth. in one's hand 某人手里拿着某物

slowly adv. 缓慢地,慢慢地

turn red 变红

take back 拿回,收回

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