
  1. 糖包(Packets of sugar)

The design for these ubiquitous packets of sugar was developed by Benjamin Eisenstadt. The idea behind them is very simple: you’re meant to break the packet in half rather than tear off the top. If you do it this way, all the sugar will end up in your cup, and you’ll have only the wrapper left in your hand.


(糖包从中间撕开,可以保证所有的糖都倒出哦~ 别害羞,你是不是一直从一端撕开的?)

2.薯片(Pringles potato chips)


Eating Pringles becomes much easier when you place a folded piece of A4 paper inside the tube.


Cut out the central part of the packet using scissors or any other sharp object.


4.煮土豆(Boiled potatoes)

Make an incision all the way around the middle of the potatoes. Boil them, then bathe them in cold water. You should now be able to peel of the skin with your hands with little effort.


5.麦当劳咖啡(McDonald’s Coffee)


You don’t have to force open the coffee lid and risk an explosion or a spill. McDonald’s as well as other companies now use lids with special catch which can be fixed open, or alternatively torn off to make a small hole.




Push the triangle towards the rest of the bar. You can do it with only one finger or thumb.


7.盒装果汁(Juice cartons)


The opening on a juice carton is usually located closer to one side than the other. If you pour the juice with that side closer to the glass, air can’t get into the carton, and it will splash out unsteadily. The correct way to do it is, in fact, to hold the carton with the opening at the top. Then the juice will flow out smoothly.




Look for three black spots on the coconut located close together. Puncture the skin at one of these spots using a screwdriver or a sharp knife, then insert a straw and...drink!




Use the above method to squeeze out the maximum amount of juice.

