1 危害(damage)

do harm to、jeopardize、threaten/pose a threat to

①do harm to表示对...造成危害,也可以写成do sth/sb harm。

These new regulations could do lasting harm to small businesses.这些新规定可能会对小型企业造成持续的危害。

写作Tip:harm前面通常会加上great/significant/irreparable等形容词。如果是单独的do harm to,其实改为动词harm会使表达更简洁有力:

These new regulations could harm small businesses.

do harm to还有两个相似的短语:do more harm than good弊大于利、do more good than harm利大于弊。

②jeopardize表示是…处于风险中,相当于put…at risk.

Children's health can be jeopardized by poor nutrition.营养不良会影响孩子的健康。

③threaten和pose a threat to意思相同:危及/对…造成威胁。区别就类似于harm(v)和do harm to:

使用pose a threat to时,threat前面经常加上形容词major/serious/potential/direct等。如果是单独的pose a threat to,则改为threaten更加简洁:

A) Car exhaust emissions pose a grave threat to the environment.汽车尾气严重危及环境。

B) Car exhaust emissions threaten the environment.汽车尾气会危及环境。


2 依赖,取决于(depend on)

rely on、hinge on、be reliant/dependent on

①rely on和depend on几乎可以相互替换。

People today rely on smartphones to obtain information.如今人们依靠智能手机获取信息。

②hinge on表示完全依赖于/取决于。程度较大。

Poor children's academic performance hinges on their own efforts.贫困儿童的学习成绩完全取决于他们自己的努力。

③be reliant/dependent on是rely on/depend on的形容词形式。意思相同。

Most college students remain reliant on their parents' support.大多数大学生仍然需要依靠父母的资助。


Modern society increasingly rely/depend on technology.=

Modern society is increasingly reliant/dependent on technology.→

modern society's increasing reliance/dependence on technology

在正式的书面语中,有时会将这些短语中的on改为upon,更加正式。即:depend/rely upon、upon、hinge upon、be reliant/dependent upon


3 必要的(necessary)

essential/indispensable、be a must、requisite/prerequisite for

①essential/indispensable必要的。这两个词可以作修饰词修饰名词,也可以作表语。其中,indispensable常用作be indispensable for sth/doing sth。


A) The internet has become an essential/indispensable part of young people's life.互联网已经成为了年轻人生活中必不可少的一部分。

B) Meat is not indispensable for maintaining a healthy diet.肉类并不是维持健康饮食的必需品。

②must可以作名词,表示必需的事物。只用作单数,即Sth be a must。

Regular exercise is a must for young children.经常锻炼对于小孩来说是必要的。

③requisite/prerequisite表示必备条件。通常与介词for搭配:requisite/prerequisite for sth。

A university degree has become a requisite/prerequisite for entry into most professions.大学学位已经成为进入大多数职业的必要条件了。

requisite/prerequisite也可以作形容词。此时只能作修饰词修饰名词,不能作表语。如:prerequisite knowledge必备的知识 | He lacks the requisite experience for the job.他缺少该工作必需的工作经验。
