英美外刊原著研习社:好书荐读 | Silas Marner












聊本书之前,一定得知道本书的作者----George Eliot.



George Eliot 是位描写的大师,她不仅擅长描写人物的外貌,而且擅长描写人物的内心。这些成段的细致入微的描写把她的人物一下子拉到了读者的面前——真实而亲切。一八五九年,她的第一部长篇小说《亚当·比德》问世,这部小说一年内再版了八次,受欢迎程度不在话下;一八五九年以后,她发表了两部极为成功、著名的有《织工马南传》与《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》,奠定了在英国文坛的地位。之后,一八六三年的《罗慕拉》,一八六六年的《菲力克斯·霍尔特》,一八七二年的《米德尔马契》,一八七六年的《丹尼尔·德龙达》,更是经典之作,成就非凡。




对于当地农民而言,凡是外来客都被看成是异类,马南就被认为是这样的一种人。他住在离采石场不远的石头房子里日复一日的织布,基本不和其他人交往。当村民们遭遇到不幸时 都把问题指向他。马南就是邪恶的化身。




In 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(7)the early 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(8)years of 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(9)the nineteenth century,Strange-looking little men were often seen on 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(10)the country roads,usually with a heavy bag on their shoulders.They were linen-weavers,taking the linen they had woven to the women in the villages.Unlike the strong,healthy country 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(11)people,they were small 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(12)and thin,with tired white faces,bent backs 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(13)and round shoulders.They were often shortsighted 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(14)too,because they had to look so closely at their work.To the villagers the weavers looked almost foreign,英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(15)and quite frightening.Where did they come from?Was it the devil who sent them?Who were their parents?How could 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(16)you trust a man if 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(17)you did英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(18)n't know h英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(19)is father or mother?Country 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(20)people used to be very suspicious of all strangers 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(21)and travellers.They were also suspi-cious of clever 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(22)people,英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(23)people who could do something they themselves had not learnt to do.That 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(24)is why 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(25)the linen-weavers,who often moved from towns to live 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(26)and work in 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(27)the country,were considered strangers all their lives by their neighbours,英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(28)and were sometimes very lonely as a result.

Silas Marner was one of these weavers.He lived in a small cottage near the village of Raveloe.Every day he worked at h英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(29)is loom in 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(30)the cottage.英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(31)The small boys of Raveloe had never heard 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(32)the sound of a loom before,英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(33)and sometimes they used to run up to h英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(34)is house to look quickly in at 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(35)the window.If Silas noticed them,he lifted h英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(36)is shortsighted eyes from 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(37)the loom to stare at 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(38)the boys.There was something terrible about h英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(39)is stare,which made 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(40)the boys run away at once,screaming with fear.英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(41)The vil-lagers believed that Silas had an almost devil英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(42)ish power,which he could use to harm them if he wanted,英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(43)and so they were all afraid of him.Raveloe was an important-looking village with a fine old church 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(44)and a number of large farms.But it was at least an hour away from any other village,英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(45)and very few strangers v英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(46)isited it,which explains why 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(47)the villagers'opinions were so out of date.

Silas Marner had first come to Raveloe fifteen 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(48)years before,as a 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(49)young man.He 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(50)and h英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(51)is way of life seemed very strange to 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(52)the villagers.He worked long hours at h英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(53)is loom,英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(54)and had no friends or v英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(55)isitors from 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(56)the village or anywhere else.He never talked to h英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(57)is neighbours unless it was necessary for h英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(58)is work,英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(59)and he never looked at any of 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(60)the Raveloe girls.'Who would want to marry him anyway?'英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(61)the girls laughed to each other.'Marry a 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(62)dead man come to life again,with that unhealthy white skin 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(63)and those insect-like eyes of h英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(64)is?Certainly not!'

One of 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(65)the villagers had had a strange experience with Silas.One evening he had d英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(66)iscovered 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(67)the weaver resting on a field gate,h英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(68)is eyes open but unseeing,英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(69)and h英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(70)is body cold 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(71)and hard,like a 英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(72)dead ma英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(73)n's.After a few moments Silas appeared to wake up,said'Good night',英美原版期刊(英美外刊原著研习社)(74)and walked away.

G.E的作品是非常值得一读的,她很多都是大部头作品,语言也比较复杂。这本 Silas Marner 是个例外,薄薄一本,语言 情节都相对简单,很适合想了解G.E作为破冰之书。





