褚帅版 新概念⼀一册课后练习49-96课第5讲,今天小编就来聊一聊关于新概念第一册1到3课练习题?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



褚帅版 新概念⼀一册课后练习49-96课第5讲

______⽉月______⽇日 建议⽤用时30分钟

⼀一、改写下列句⼦子,⽤用He作主语。 Examples: I have a headache. He has a headache. I must stay at home. He must stay at home.

1 I have a cold. He_______________

2 I can't go to work. He___________________

3 I am not well. He__________________

4 I feel ill. He_______________

5 I must see a doctor. He__________________

6 I do not like doctors. He_________________ ⼆二、模仿例句完成以下句⼦子。 Example: Jimmy/(a stomach ache)/a headache/take an aspirin

What's the matter with Jimmy? Does he have a stomach ache? No, He doesn't have a stomach ache. He has a headache. So he must take an aspirin.

1 Elizabeth/(an earache)/a headache/take an aspirin

2 George/(a headache)/an earache/see a doctor

3 Jim/(a stomach ache)/a toothache/see a dentist

4 Jane/(a toothache)/a stomach ache/take some medicine

5 Sam/(a stomach ache)/a temperature/go to bed



I mustn't take any aspirins.

Jimmy mustn't take any aspirins.

1 I am better now but I mustn't get up yet.

2 I have a cold and I must stay in bed.

3 I can get up for two hours each day.

4 I often read in bed.

5 I listen to the stereo, too.

6 I don't feel ill now.

答案: ⼀一、 1 He has a cold.

2 He can't go to work.

3 He is not well.

4 He feels ill.

5 He must see a doctor.

6 He does not like doctors.

⼆二、 1 What's the matter with Elizabeth?

Does she have an earache?

No, she doesn't have an earache.

She has a headache. So she must take an aspirin.

2 What's the matter with George?

Does he have a headache?

No, he doesn't have a headache.

He has an earache. So he must see a doctor.

3 What's the matter with Jim?

Does he have a stomach ache?

No, he doesn't have a stomach ache.

He has a tooth ache. So he must see a dentist.

4 What's the matter with Jane?

Does she have a toothache?

No, she doesn't have a toothache.

She has a stomach ache. So she must take some medicine.

5 What's the matter with Sam?

Does he have a stomach ache?

No, he doesn't have a stomach ache.

He has a temperature. So he must go to bed.

三、1 Jimmy is better now but he mustn't get up yet.

2 Jimmy has a cold and he must stay in bed.

3 Jimmy can get up for two hours each day.

4 Jimmy often reads in bed.

5 Jimmy listens to the stereo, too.

6 Jimmy doesn't feel ill now.
