







中东欧16国: 波兰、罗马尼亚、捷克共和国、斯洛伐克、保加利亚、匈牙利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、斯洛文尼亚 、爱沙尼亚、克罗地亚、阿尔巴尼亚、塞尔维亚、马其顿、波黑、黑山;【语言服务圈·姚洋·整理自ZF网站http://etc.wuxi.gov.cn/doc/2017/01/12/1239974.shtml】


Juncker’s English taunt touched a raw Brexit nerve

Jean-Claude Juncker’s announcement on Friday that he would speak French to a Florence conference because “slowly but surely English is losing importance in Europe” looked like yet another instance of the European Commission president twisting Brexit Britain’s tail. 让 • 克洛德 • 容克最近在佛罗伦萨的一场会议上宣布,他将用法语发言,因为“英语在欧洲无疑正慢慢失去重要性”,此言似乎是欧盟委员会主席挖苦英国退欧的最新一例。

Learning and speaking a foreign language is freighted with emotion. Languages have associations. They carry memories and connotations. Being able to speak a language does not necessarily mean you like it. 学习并使用一门外语难免夹杂情感。语言让人产生联想。它们承载着记忆和言外之意。会说某种语言不一定代表你喜欢它。

That has long been evident in Britain’s former colonial possessions. Some novelists, such as Nigerian Chinua Achebe, have insisted on making English their own while others have resented it as an imposition. The Kenyan author Ngugi wa Thiong’o called English a “cultural bomb” whose effect was “to annihilate a people’s belief in their names, in their languages, in their environment”. 这一点在英国的前殖民地早就很明显了。一些小说家,如尼日利亚的奇努阿•阿切贝,坚持把英语化为自己的语言,但另一些人则怨恨英语,将其视为一种强加在自己头上的东西。肯尼亚作家恩古吉•瓦•提昂戈将英语称为一枚“文化炸弹”,其影响是“要摧毁人们对自己的名字、自己的语言、自己的环境的信念”。

Resentment at an oppressor’s language is not confined to English. The Moscow-born author Elena Lappin has written about her embarrassment, after her family moved to Prague when she was a child, that her parents spoke Russian to her. In Cold War Czechoslovakia, “Russian was the language of the enemy, and outside of home I pretended not to know it”. 对压迫者的语言的愤恨并不仅限于英语。生于莫斯科的作家叶连娜•拉平在孩提时随家人搬到布拉格,她曾写到父母对她说俄语时的尴尬。在冷战时期的捷克斯洛伐克,“俄语是敌人的语言,在外面的时候,我假装不懂俄语。”

At London’s Jewish Book Week in February, I heard Lappin, who also speaks fluent German and Hebrew, talk to the Turkish novelist Elif Shafak about why they both preferred to write in English. For them, English, rather than having oppressive associations, provided them with the freedom to express themselves. They spoke of their love of the language, its nuances and humour. 在今年2月的伦敦犹太图书周上,我听到拉平(她还会说流利的德语和希伯来语)与土耳其小说家艾丽芙•沙法克谈到,为什么她们都喜欢用英文写作。在她们看来,英语非但不会产生受到压迫的联想,反而为她们提供了表达自我的自由。她们表达了对英语及其细腻和幽默感的热爱。

“Writing in English, putting an existential distance between me and the culture where I come from, strangely and paradoxically, enables me to take a closer look at Turkey and Turkishness,” Shafak has written.“用英文写作,在我与本土文化之间保持一段关乎存在的距离,这种距离感以奇怪而又矛盾的方式,让我能够更清楚地观察土耳其及其民族性,”沙法克写道。

What will English mean to the citizens of an EU without Britain, and what emotions will they invest in it? There was, in Mr Juncker’s remarks when he switched to French, a sense of hurt at the desertion of the UK, the country that gave the EU its most widely used language. “Our British friends decided to leave the EU. It’s a tragedy,” he said. “It’s not the EU that’s leaving the UK.”对于失去英国的欧盟的公民而言,英语将意味着什么?他们会对英语投入什么样的情感?容克转向法语后发表的言论流露出一种受到英国“离队”伤害的感觉;当年正是英国给欧盟带来其使用最广泛的语言。“我们的英国朋友决定脱离欧盟。这是一场灾难,”他说,“不是欧盟离开英国。”

That might have been the feeling of his applauding audience too, but each of them, and all those school students studying the language, will have their own relationship with English. For many, speaking English might purely be instrumental, a useful route to a better job. They might not associate it with the UK, or with the US.这或许正是台下鼓掌听众的感受,但他们中每一个人,以及所有学习英语的学生,都将与英语产生自己的关系。对很多人而言,说英语可能纯粹是工具性的,是找到更好工作的有用途径。他们可能不会把英语与英国或美国联系起来。

Or they might, but with no political thoughts. They might not connect the language to Brexit. English, to some young people learning it, might mean Beyoncé or Manchester United.或者他们可能会联系起来,但是没有政治方面的考量。他们可能不会把英语与英国退欧联系起来。对一些学习英语的年轻人而言,英语或许意味着碧昂丝或者联。

What is likely is that, in the EU’s negotiating and meeting halls, English, with the UK gone and just the Irish representing native speakers, will slowly turn into a different language. Some in the EU will resist that change, others will not.很可能发生的情况是,在欧盟的谈判和会议大厅里,由于英国退出后只有爱尔兰人代表母语为英语的人士,英语将慢慢变成另外一种语言。欧盟中的一些人将抵制这种变化,另一些人则不会。

As with the end of Empire, it will not be the first time Britain has departed leaving people ambivalent about the mighty language it has left behind.就像大英帝国终结时一样,这将不是第一次英国离开、让人们对它留下的强大语言充满矛盾之情。
