





终审评委包括日本设计大师新村则人、意大利雕塑家迪奥尼西奥·奇马雷利(Dionisio Cimarelli)、中国日报设计总监盖威廉(Bill Gaspard)、清华大学美术学院院长鲁晓波等国内外业界知名专家。



2.中国日报客户端:应用市场下载“China Daily”客户端,在首页找到或搜索“Cartoon and Illustration Exhibition”,点击进入后在相应页面投稿。




China Daily issues global call for cartoons, illustrations

June 5 is World Environment Day. To promote a simple, healthy, low-carbon lifestyle, China Daily and the municipal government of Wuxi, Jiangsu province, are sponsoring the 2022 International Cartoon and Illustration Exhibition. Entries will reflect ideas for a community with a shared future for mankind.

The exhibition is open to art enthusiasts, cartoonists, and illustrators worldwide. The works should reflect the impacts of global climate change on society and everyday life and how the human race is dealing with climate change. The works should also promote environment protection, a green lifestyle and harmony between humans and nature.

Awards will be presented in six categories: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Outstanding, Shortlisted, and Popular. The winner of the Gold award will be honored with a prize of 50,000 yuan, the two winners of Silver award will receive 20,000 yuan each and the three winners of Bronze award will get 10,000 yuan each. Gold, Silver and Bronze winners will also receive trophies and certificates. The winners of Oustanding, Shortlisted and Popular awards will receive souvenirs in addition to certificates.

The application deadline is July 31. Evaluation of entries will take place in August and September.

Award-winning works will be shown offline in Wuxi from September to November.The selected works will also be displayed on the official website of the exhibition and China Daily App.

The judging panel consists of Japanese designer Norito Shinmura, Italian sculptor Dionisio Cimareli, China Daily chief designer Bill Gaspard, and head of Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design Lu Xiaobo.

Entries can be submitted through the following channels:

• The exhibition’s page on China Daily website — artcontest.chinadaily

• Download the China Daily app, search “Cartoon and Illustration Exhibition” and submit entries

• Scan the QR code below.

The exhibition is co-organized by China Daily Times’ Palette Studio, newscartoon, Wuxi National Hi-Tech District (Xinwu District), and the information office of the Wuxi Municipal People’s Government. Partners include the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University; China Journalistic Caricature Society; China Youth New Media Association; Shenzhen Illustration Association; The Sherwin-Williams Company.

