Should Schools Ban Mobile Phones?学校应该禁止学生使用手机吗?

Mobile phones have changed the way we communicate, but people disagree on whether the devices are useful tools for education.


Students can be easily distracted by their phones during class.


Are they listening to the teacher or texting their friends? Are they taking a picture of a quiz to cheat? Maybe they are playing a game, or watching a video, instead of paying attention.



School officials, teachers and parents all are trying to find out the best way to supervise students' use of mobile or cellphones.


France passed a law in 2018 banning the use of cellphones in schools for students up to age 15, the age when they go to high school.


Last July, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a new law. The law asks school districts(校区), charter schools and education offices to develop cellphone policies to prevent, or limit students' use of the devices at school.

去年7月,加州州长Gavin Newsom签署了一项新法律。该法要求校区、特许学校和教育局制定相关手机使用政策,防止或限制学生在学校使用此类设备。

There are exceptions(例外), which include emergencies or issues related to health and well-being.



One high school, in California's Silicon Valley(硅谷) area, had a serious problem with students and their cellphones.

在加州硅谷(California's Silicon Valley)地区的一所高中,学生使用手机的问题非常严重。

Joanne Sablich, a French teacher, said students using their phones in class had been a real problem. They were "checking their phones and texting," she said, and she would have to take the phone "over and over and over."

法语老师Joanne Sablich说,学生在课堂上使用手机问题很严重。她说,他们正在“检查学生的电话和短信记录”,她必须“一遍又一遍”地反复检查。

The schools vice(副) principal, Adam Gelb, said some students were spending as much as 11 or 12 hours a day on their phones. So, the administration turned to technology for answers.

学校副校长Adam Gelb说,一些学生每天使用手机的时间多达11或12个小时。因此,管理部门望借助科技以找到解决办法。

San Mateo High School now locks up cellphones during the day in a special container. Each student must put their phone away in a small bag with a magnetic(磁性的) lock.

现在圣马特奥高中(San Mateo High School)白天把学生的手机锁在一个特殊的容器里。每个学生都必须把手机放在一个带磁锁的小包里。

At the end of the day, students unlock the bag with another device. The bag is being used in schools in both the United States and Europe.


Teacher Joanne Sablich is happy. She sees a difference in students' behavior. She said they are "very engaged this year," instead of just looking at their phones.

Joanne Sablich老师很高兴。她看到了学生不同的表现。她说他们“今年上课认真”,而不是只看他们的手机。


One place choosing not to ban cellphones is Saint Marys Area School District in the state of Pennsylvania. Brian Toth is the superintendent(负责人) of the small rural district.

宾夕法尼亚州的圣玛丽区校区(Saint Marys Area School District)却没有禁止学生使用手机。Brian Toth是这个小乡村地区的负责人。

He told VOA, each teacher can decide whether, and when, to restrict students' cellphone use.


Toth said students have grown up with cellphones, and "it is our responsibility to teach them proper use for tools within the classroom."


He added that schools are teaching about cellphones and how to use them with social media and the Internet.


"It is part of changing education for kids," he said. "As long as we teach them to use them responsibly."


The technology is here, Toth said, schools should use it to help students, and not fear it.


