strong, stout, sturdy, tough, stalwart, tenacious,今天小编就来聊一聊关于积羽沉舟的英文?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



strong, stout, sturdy, tough, stalwart, tenacious

These adjectives are compared as they mean having or showing vigor, durability, or power of body or spirit.


Strong is the most general: Strong 最具概括性:

strong arms; 有力的手臂;a strong grip; 有力的一抱;a strong rope; 粗壮的绳子;strong resistance. 强大的抵抗。

“I am as strong as a bull moose” (Theodore Roosevelt). “我就象公麋一样强壮” (西奥多·罗斯福)。

Stout stresses the ability to endure, as by virtue of physical strength, solidity of construction, or resoluteness:

Stout 强调忍耐力,如通过体力,坚固的构造或决心:

a stout branch; 粗壮的枝条;stout walls; 坚固的墙;a stout advocate. 坚决的拥护。

“It was enough to place horror upon the stoutest heart in the world” (Daniel Defoe).

“世界上最有意志的人都足以感到害怕” (丹尼尔·笛福)。

Sturdy, like stout, implies ruggedness of body or construction or firmness of spirit or purpose:

Sturdy 和stout 一样,暗指体魄的强健或构造的牢固或在精神、目标上不易动摇:

sturdy limbs; 强劲的关节;sturdy opposition; 强烈的反对;

“sturdy russet boots” (George W. Cable). 牢固的植鞣坯革制成的靴子 (乔治·W·卡博尔)。

Tough suggests physical or moral strength to resist opposition, strain, or hardship:
