绝灭[词典]die out;[例句]先前曾占主位的恐龙以及许多其他爬行动物到了这时都绝灭了The dinosaurs and numerous other reptiles which had previously been dominant were extinct.,今天小编就来聊一聊关于绝灭英文翻译?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



绝灭[词典]die out;

[例句]先前曾占主位的恐龙以及许多其他爬行动物到了这时都绝灭了。The dinosaurs and numerous other reptiles which had previously been dominant were extinct.

化石与现存类型之间的这种依赖关系在我们研究绝灭类群时是十分明显的。This dependency between fossil and living types is well illustrated when we deal with extinct groups.

于是,这种鹿便在中国绝灭了。So the deer perished in China.