1、I know what shit means, but it turns out I didn't know shit. 我知道“shit”的意思,但是我啥都不懂,今天小编就来聊一聊关于Shit的用法?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



1、I know what shit means, but it turns out I didn't know shit. 我知道“shit”的意思,但是我啥都不懂。

shit: nothing

2、It's shit. (Something is bad!) 这是一个坨翔。

shit: nonsense, crap 质量差的东西;

例句:Bullshit! 胡扯!

3、It's the shit. (Something is really good.)太棒了!(diao炸天)

shit: 和the连用,someone or something that is excellent 很棒

4、I had to study that shit. 我真得好好研究下这个了。

shit: thing/ stuff 东西

5、I give a shit to you. 我很在乎你。

shit: a minimum amount or degree (as of care or consideration)在乎,关心

例句:I don't give a shit what they think of me. 我才不在乎他们怎么看我。

6、I give shit to you. (I’m telling you off. 我在骂你。)

7、I take shit. (I accept that you're bullying me. 我忍受着你欺负我。)

shit: bad or unfair behavior or treatment 不好的,不公平的行为

8、I take a shit. (我去拉一坨翔。)

shit: an act of defecation 排便

例句:英国人也说have a shit.

9、My shit! (Positive) 感叹词

例句:Holy shit! 天哪!

10、I can't deal with her shit! 我受不了她了。

11、I have to put up with his shit! 我还得忍受他。

shit: 强调

12、Clean up your shit. 收好你的烂摊子。

13、Don't touch my shit. 别碰我的东西。

14、I have shit to do. 我有点事儿要干。

shit: stuff 东西

15、I like to travel, and shit. 我喜欢旅游。(我喜欢旅游)

and shit=and stuff 等等

16、It's a piece of shit. 一场差劲的电影,一辆糟糕的车或者是一个差劲的人。

17、It's the whole shit. 太糟糕了!

shit: something of little value or poor quality 差劲、不值钱的东西

18、I’m the shit!

shit: someone or something that is unusually good = hot shit=hot stuff (热腾腾的,香喷喷的shit)=I'm great! 我很好。
