
多年来,海南航空始终坚持五星服务,以人性化的服务为旅客带来温馨舒适的出行体验,连续七年荣获 “SKYTRAX 世界五星级航空公司”称号,跻身“SKYTRAX 全球航空公司 TOP10”。在世界级卓越航空品牌建设之路上,海南航空产品与品牌部的同仁在用心发现与创造,以实现更多美好。

For years, Hainan Airlines has kept up the company’s five-star services, ensuring amazing travel experiences for its passengers through thoughtful services, which earned the airline a place on the “SKYTRAX the World's Five-Star Airlines” list for seven consecutive years, as well as becoming on of the “SKYTRAX Top 10 Airlines” honor. On the company’s path to establish a world class brand, staff from the company’s Products & Branding Department dedicate much effortto create and discover ways to achieve even greater accomplishments.



籍贯 :四川成都

入职时间 :2011 年 7 月

职位 :海南航空产品与品牌部副总经理

Wang Jia

Hometown: Chengdu, Sichuan

Joined in: July 2011

Position: Deputy General Manager of Hainan

Airlines’ Products & Branding Department


品牌影响力与产品及服务质量息息相关。我们是国际化航空公司,一直坚持“以客为尊”的服务理念,不断创新产品,提升服务质量,由此连续 7 年获得“SKYTRAX 世界五星级航空公司”的荣誉。过去我们策划了众多产品升级和品牌价值开发项目,包括与梦工厂跨界合作推出“功夫熊猫”主题航班,与小黄鸭联合开发周边礼品、创意 T 恤,与宝马合作推出富有艺术感的客舱座椅,成立空厨团队与国际顶级名厨研发优质航食等,获得了SKYTRAX 评审及旅客的一致好评。

此外,我们也将社会责任牢记于心,连续 8 年支持联合国儿童基金会在机上开展“Change for Good”爱心筹款项目,为全球范围处于困境中的儿童提供爱心支持 ;连续 6 年组织“海航送爱回家”公益活动,帮助家庭困难大学生、海外勤工俭学留学生、西部计划志愿者、偏远地区支教教师等春节回家与家人团圆。

我们致力于建设成为绿色航空的倡导者、引领者、先行者、提供者,把生态文明、低碳经济建设作为推动企业可持续发展的重要战略,坚持“Fly safe and green”的运营策略,在中国民航业率先推进能源管理体系建设,从地面运行、空中运行、飞机瘦身等方面实现空地全流程燃油精细化管控,注重节能减排技术创新与应用,推进国产生物航煤示范应用,推出“绿途 - 碳抵消”绿色公益项目,以可持续发展理念为核心共同构建绿色航空生态圈,为中国绿色航空建设开展了大量有益探索,积累了丰富实践经验。


Brand influence is always closely related to the products and services. As a globalized airline company, we serve with a belief that customers come first. Through constant innovation and rise in service quality, we managed to clinch the honor of “SKYTRAX the World's Five-Star Airline” seven consecutive years. Last year, we initiated various plans for product and brand value upgrades, which included programs such as the “Kungfu Panda” themed flight, creating merchandise and T-shirt souvenirs with “B.Duck,” working with Mercedes to design artistic passenger seats, as well as gathering a team of in-flight chefs and creating a quality menu with internationally renowned chefs. All programs received positive feedback from the SKYTRAX appraisal team and from our passengers.

Besides that, we also hold our social responsibilities close to our hearts. Till now, we have been fundraising in-flight for the “Change for Good” program to support UNICEF, which helps needy children all over the world. This is also the sixth year of the “Send Love Home” charity program, which aids needy college students, students studying abroad, volunteers of the “Western Program,” and teachers in remote areas reunite with their families during Chinese New Year.

We work hard to become a pioneer, leader, promoter and supplier for Green Aviation, where ecological civilization and construction of a low-carbon economy are deemed as part of our most strategic plan for sustainable development. Also, we insist on an operation strategy to “Fly safe, Fly green,” thereby becoming a pioneer in constructing an energy management system in China, where we push for a complete fuel refinement control system through emphasizing energy conservation, emission reduction, technological innovation and implementation on ground, in air and in terms of simplifying airplanes. We aim to push for the use for local made biofuels and promote a “Green journey and carbon emission” environmental friendly charity plan, thereby working towards constructing a green aviation industry that is sustainable, making useful discoveries for China’s establishment of a green aviation industry and accumulating experience.

As we continue to cater to the passengers with five-star service,we aim to serve society and especially the needy citizens, as well as to actively contribute to charity.



籍贯 :北京

入职时间 :2001 年 3 月

职位 :海南航空产品与品牌部客户关系管理中心业务主管

Li Ning

Hometown: Beijing

Joined in: March 2001

Position: Business Supervisor of Customer Relationship Management Centre,

under Hainan Airlines’ Products & Branding Department




All our services are set up to accommodate passengers’ needs, as their satisfaction means everything to us. If any passenger raise doubts about our services, we find out further details from relevant staff and patiently communicate with the passenger to understand their concerns and solve the problem. At the same time, our center also has an analyzing team who further investigates any recent repetitive complaints. The team seeks the underlying factor behind the problem and communicates with the relevant units to gather suggestions for improvements, so as to improve our service quality.

Communication is especially important when it comes to dealing with passengers. We ought to stand in their shoes and try our best to comfort, explain, as well as state our scope of responsibilities. It is important to be patient and communicate in a calm manner. If the customers remain unsatisfied after our explanation, we sincerely apologize. Experiences often comes in handy in terms of communication, which is why professional trainers are invited to train staff about passenger psychology and communication skills to strengthen our professionalism.



籍贯 :天津

入职时间 :2013 年 4 月

职位 :海南航空产品与品牌部


Su Dan

Hometown: Tianjin

Joined in: April 2013

Position: Business Specialist of

Products and Branding Operation

Centre, under Hainan Airlines’

Products & Branding Department



2017年,产品与品牌运营团队与业内被誉为“大不列颠设计标杆”的英国普睿谷公司合作,共同打造了全方位的国际化品牌视觉升级计划,从客舱内饰、机供品、地面标识三大类共 256 项设计方案与形象升级项目进行改造升级,我们的目的就是打造一条地面到空中和谐一致的品牌视觉传递链条,展现海南航空在新时代的国际面貌。

在国际化战略的部署下,海南航空不断夯实产品核心竞争力,在各航空公司服务与产品同质化严重的情况下,作为中国内地首家跻身“SKYTRAX 全球航空公司 TOP10”行列的国际化航企,从旅客体验的角度出发,我们开创了差异化的产品管理思路,打造出了品牌形象系列产品,Hai 系列产品,Care 系列产品,为不同需求的旅客带来了更具差异化的服务。

去年,我们邀请香港知名设计师梁景华博士倾力打造了“海翼堂”和“海翼轩”贵宾室品牌,它不仅是传统意义上供旅客休憩的场所,更是中国东方古典艺术与现代表达方式相结合的品牌艺术化的呈现品。继 2017 年推动北京和西安的海翼堂开业外,2018 年我们又完成了杭州海翼轩的建设,6 月正式投入使用。

作为航班体验过程中重要的空中部分,我们同样没有放松要求。我们引进了商务舱全部为反鱼骨座椅的全新 B787-9 机型,厨房里增加了Nespresso 胶囊咖啡机,全面升级娱乐系统界面,还在机舱内实现了空地互联,为旅客提供适合于 PED 设备操作的娱乐方式。


In 2017, our company’s Products and Branding Operation team worked with Britain’s PriestmanGoode Company, one known as the “benchmark of Britain’s designs.”Together we made possible various aesthetic upgrades for a more internationalized image, where we upgraded 256 projects that focused on cabin interior, aircraft offerings and ground labels. Ultimately, we hope to create a uniformed visual presentation from ground to the air, thereby showcasing the international image that Hainan Airlines presents in this new age.

As part of the company’s strategy to access the global market, Hainan Airlines keeps improving its product competitiveness amidst an industry where airlines products and services remained largely unchanged. As China’s first company to be part of “SKYTRAX Top 10 Airlines,” we value passenger experiences and created products with an aim to be innovative and came out with a series of products such as the Hai series and Care series products, successfully catering to different passenger’s needs.

Last year, we invited the famous Hong Kong designer, Doctor Patrick Leung, to create the “HNA Club” VIP lounges. Not only are they resting venues, but also artistic embodiments of classical oriental art modernly expressed. Since the Beijing and Xi’an “HNA Club” started operating in 2017, we have constructed the Hangzhou “HNA Club” and it has been in operation since June 2018.

The in-flight experience is just as important; we do not loosen our standards. We brought in the B787-9 aircraft whose business class section is filled with reverse herringbone seats and the kitchen is newly equipped with Nespresso coffee machines. In addition, the in-flight entertainment system is upgraded to enable air to ground connections, providing customers with an entertainment system that is compatible with PED devices.

Whenever we see customers who fly with great anticipation and those who land safely upon arrival, we understand how the service and products we created silently comforts them and give them the best flying experience. I always deem this as a realization the team’s flying dream, which isn’t merely about flying passengers from one point to another. This is a career that I’m willing to devote all efforts to as our company provides us with chances to discover our potentials and our abundant resources. In future, the team will continue to upgrade our products and services from ground to air, hoping to show our appreciation to the engers. As the company’s brand image continues to improve internationally, we ultimately aim to create a world class airline.



籍贯 :河南开封

入职时间 :2016 年 7 月

职位 :海南航空产品与品牌部


Zhang Zhun

Hometown: Kaifeng, Henan

Joined in: July 2016

Position: Business Specialist of

Communication and Marketing Centre,

under Hainan Airlines’ Products &

Branding Department


海南航空坚持不懈在做的一件事就是致力打造具有海南航空品牌辨识度的品牌形象,它既能在所有旅客接触点凸显品牌调性的一致,也可与其他航司建立起区隔度。于此,海南航空借第五代“海天祥云”制服发布之际,创建了一套 Hai Face 品牌形象管理体系,这是由两位空乘人物组合而成的“海航双子星”,是 HaiFace 最重要且具象化的视觉符号。两位空乘人物分别来自东方与西方,外在形象上打破了中国航空公司空乘传统的温婉娴淑,拥有时尚、活力的形象和优雅气质,体现海南航空的国际化格局与独特魅力。她们是旅客的朋友、伙伴,是陪伴您旅程的参与者和见证者,正如海南航空的品牌 slogan :相伴相惜,梦享飞行。稍加留意可在平面广告、形象宣传片等各处发现 HaiFace 的身影和笑脸,我们希望能传达给受众的是海南航空、海航人的创新、活力、温暖、用心,以及身为五星航司对旅客出行服务体验的高度重视,对空地服务产品品质的极致追求。

Hainan Airlines has been creating its brand image that is unique to this company and increasing brand recognition. Staff emphasizes the airlines’ uniformity the moment passengers interact with any aspect of the brand. The company also differentiates itself from other airlines. Hence, Hainan Airlines established a “Hai Face” brand image control system along with the release of the company’s 5th generation “Rosy Clouds” uniforms. The “Hainan Airlines Gemini Stars” team, which consists of two cabin members, is the most important visual symbol of Hai Face. The two cabin members originate from the East and West and break free from the stereotypical gentle image that most Chinese airlines hold to. They are fashionable, lively and elegant and represent the charm and world class standards of Hainan Airlines. They are not only the passengers’ friends, but also witnesses of the journey. Just like what the company slogan suggests: “Fly Your Dreams.” If you pay attention, you will spot the smiling faces and images of Hai Face on print ads and promotion films. We wish to deliver the spirit of innovation, vibrancy, warmth, effort and emphasis on passenger experience that Hainan Airlines and its staff possess. The pursuit of excellence in terms of Hainan Airlines ground and in-flight products and services will continue.



籍贯 :广东

入职时间 :2010 年 7 月

职位 :海南航空产品与品牌部


Yao Honghui

Hometown: Guangdong

Joined in: July 2010

Position: Business Supervisor

of Products Communication

Quality Control Centre,

under Hainan Airlines’ Products &

Branding Department


海南航空的品牌愿景是打造世界级卓越航空品牌,启创全球旅行生活的新希望,我们一直致力于为旅客提供全方位的高品质的产品与服务。产品在投入运营后,我们会通过模拟体验以及用户调研的方式来评测产品运营的水平与品质,以旅客满意为核心,充分挖掘产品改进的空间并不断进行优化提升。产品在试运营及正式上线后我们都会模拟真实的旅客,进行全流程的运营扫描与体验,以旅客视角来检验相关产品运营的品质。比如,海南航空新开辟的国际航线,我们会先在官方 APP 上模拟旅客查询、预订、出票的过程,查看 APP 页面的航班信息是否正确,操作流程是否便捷,值机、行李托运、中转等信息是否有详细、清晰的提示,之后我们会前往机场搭乘航班,体验地面与客舱的产品及服务,评测地面值机服务,中转衔接、机上Wi-Fi 稳定性、网速情况、座椅舒适度等等,结合旅客意见调研,形成产品运营报告并反馈相关单位,不完善的地方持续优化调整。

Hainan Airlines has a vision to create a world class aviation brand, and we have always worked hard to provide the best products and services for our passengers. Once a product is put into operation, we test its standards and quality through simulated experiences and customer surveys. Our passengers’ satisfaction has always been our main assessment criteria and we actively seek room for improvement to constantly upgrade our services. When the products are put to a test run and after they are officially promoted, we simulate the experiences of actually passengers to monitor the entire operational process to experience it from a customer’s point of view. For example, whenever Hainan Airlines establishes a new international route, we simulate a customer’s experience by booking and buying tickets, and check in on our official app, in order to verify flight details on the app interface. We see whether or not the process is convenient, and if the flight, baggage check-in and transfer information are clear and detailed. Then, we head towards the airport to catch the flight and experience both ground and cabin services, as well as assess the service quality of ground staff, the flight transfer process, Wi-Fi stability on the aircraft, internet speed and level of comfort in cabin. Operational reports are written for respective departments based on our experience and customer feedback in order to improve any flaws in the process.






As we continue to cater to

the passengers with fivestar service,

we aim to serve

society and especially the needy citizens,

as well as toactively contribute to charity.
