Jerry is going to the barber's shop to cut his hair. 这句话是错误的因为理发是由别人(理发师)来理,故表达“请人理发”时,应用 have one’s hair cut,所以该句的正确表达方式是: Jerry is going to the barber’s shop to have his hair cut.,今天小编就来聊一聊关于cut词组中考?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



Jerry is going to the barber's shop to cut his hair. 这句话是错误的。因为理发是由别人(理发师)来理,故表达“请人理发”时,应用 have one’s hair cut,所以该句的正确表达方式是: Jerry is going to the barber’s shop to have his hair cut.

“cut” 考点点播:

1. cut in (on sb/sth) 打断(谈话),插嘴

Eddie: Second, don’t cut in on others.

Eddie: 第二,不要插嘴。

英式英语的 push in 含义是:插队,加塞;在美式英语中则用 cut in 表达这个含义。 (译林初中8BU5)

另外,cut in 还有“强行超车”的含义,比如: He cut in a taxi, forcing the driver to brake heavily. 他强行超过一辆出租车,迫使司机急刹车。

2. cut down 砍倒

Deserts are also created because people cut down trees and dig up grass. 人们伐树掘草,也会造成土壤沙化。

另外cut down 可以表达“减少,缩减”

The car industry cut down production. 汽车制造商减少了产量。

3. cut out 剪出,剪下;(从文字作品中、文章中)删掉;停止做(或使用、食用)

Cut out the part about the Coloureds. 删掉关于有色人种的部分。

I’ve simply cut meat out entirely. 我已经根本不吃肉了。

4. cut back 缩减;削减

cut back on staff 裁员

5. cut off 切掉;切断;使隔绝(常用于被动)

The lonely island was completely cut off from the outside world.


6. cut up 切碎;割碎;剪碎

Cut up the carrots before you put them into the pot.


7. cut 雕刻

She cut the carrot to look like a flower. 她把胡萝卜雕刻成花的形状。

8. cut 也可以用作名词,大家尝试翻译下面句子,答案留言给我!

A: Blood poured from the deep cut on his arm.

B: Big cuts have been made in the prices of medicine.
