生活很难,学会给自己的情绪找出口,要时刻吸收新鲜的快乐情绪。It's hard to live. Learn to find an outlet for your emotions, and always absorb fresh and happy emotions.


想要的东西,尽量自己争取得到,别人给你的,终究要连本带利一起还给人家的。Try your best to get what you want. What others give you, after all, will be returned to others together with profit.


车站有两个地方最感人:一个入口, 一个出口。The station has two most moving places: an entrance and an exit.一个是舍不得让你走,一个是满心欢喜等你回来。One is reluctant to let you go, the other is full of joy waiting for you to come back.


你要安静的优秀,悄无声息的坚强。以后要开心,要飞扬跋扈,闪闪发光,众人所望。You need to be quiet and strong. In the future, we should be happy, domineering, glittering and expected by all.


别总是自卑,这世界上只有一个你,你是妈妈永远疼不够的孩子,你是爱人独一无二的伴侣。Don't always feel inferior. There is only one you in the world. You are the child your mother always dotes on. You are the unique partner of your lover


其实,所谓的慢生活,是我们有底气的自给自足,而不是好吃懒做的得过且过。In fact, the so-called slow life is that we are self-sufficient, not lazy and muddle along


跑步太累,作业太多,上课太困,睡眠太少,但熬过这些艰难的日子,迎接你的就是前程似锦。Running is too tired, homework is too much, class is too sleepy, sleep is too little, but through these difficult days, to meet you is a promising future.


时间是种极好的东西,原谅了不可原谅的,过去了曾经过不去的。Time is a wonderful thing. It forgives the unforgivable and the past.有些事情不是努力就可以改变的,五十块的人民币设计得再好看,也没有一百块的讨人喜欢。Some things can't be changed by hard work. No matter how good the 50 yuan design is, it's not as likeable as 100 yuan.


有些人充满戾气和恶意,是因为他们从未被人温柔相待过。我相信自己能始终温柔,是因为在年少时遇到了善良的人。Some people are full of grumpiness and malice because they have never been treated tenderly. I believe that I can always be gentle, because I met a kind person when I was young


从我拿起笔准备写情书开始,总是忍不住走神,真抱歉情话没写出几个,但我却真真实实想了你四十分钟。From the time I started to write love letters, I couldn't help being distracted. I'm sorry I didn't write a few love letters, but I really miss you for 40 minutes.
