turn one's back on sb.

(1) turn one's back on sb./sth.基本义“转身背对......”

(2) turn one's back on sb./sth.引申义“对……不闻不问,对……漠不关心,背弃……”

英语解释为to refuse to help, support, or be involve with someone or something。

I turned my back on my friends and my family, and everything I believed in.


He would never turn his back on this company.



turn a blind eye to sth.

turn a blind eye to sth. “对......视而不见,对......熟视无睹,对......睁一只眼闭一只眼”

英语解释为to deliberately ignore something that you know should not be happening。

He decided to turn a blind eye to his boss's goings-on.


Jules was turning a blind eye to her husband's infidelities.


turn a deaf ear to sth.

turn a deaf ear to sth. “对......充耳不闻,对......置若罔闻”

英语解释为to be unwilling to listen to what someone is saying or asking。

How can you turn a deaf ear to your friend's distress?


He turned a deaf ear to his wife's advice.

