
1. Thank you for contacting me.

2. Thank you for your prompt reply.

3. Thank you for providing the requested information.

4. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

5. Thank you for your consideration.

6. I really appreciate your assistance.

7. I’m really grateful for your kindness.

8. I really don’t know how to thank you for coming and for your beautiful birthday gift.

9. I really appreciate everything you have done.

10. Words cannot describe how grateful we are.



1. I am profoundly grateful to the many people who were generous with their time and knowledge as I researched this book.

2. I appreciated their willingness to engage with me more than I can adequately express.

3. I am grateful to those who graciously sent me full text copies of their studies and patiently answered my questions.

4. I’m further indebted to those researchers who have made their paper open access and readily available online.

5. Jim proved invaluable when I was trying to track down an obscure book or text.

6. Special thanks to my agent, Betty for her impeccable timing, and to the rest of the team at London for representing me so well, particularly Wang for his wise counsel and Li for her international expertise.

7. My admiration and appreciation also go to Rose, who tackled the tedium of fact-checking every word of this book with gusto and good humor.

8. I salute Rorbot for his intelligent and intuitive indexing.

9. Enormous gratitude to Fei, a new but already distinguished imprint that cares about and for its authors.

10. This book would not be possible were it not for the privilege of working for several esteemed publications, most notably the many years I’ve contributed to WB Journal.


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