Unit 4 After-School ActivitiesLesson 19 A Dinner Date,今天小编就来聊一聊关于冀北版七年级英语单元总结?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



Unit 4 After-School Activities

Lesson 19 A Dinner Date

1.询问星期:What day is it today? It’s ……/ What day is today? Today is……

询问日期:What date is it today?=What’s the date today? It’s March 2nd.

2.Would you like to do sth? 用以表示客气的建议或邀请,注意回答:Yes, I’d like to.

I’d love to, but…/ Sorry, I’m afraid not.

3.come over 过来 来访

4.practice n. 练习 practice v. 练习 practice doing… 练习做…

5.after school 放学后

6.be good for… 对… 有好处

7.do well in… 在…方面做得好= be good at

8.both与all 1)句中位置:be动词后, 实义动词前

2)both of… (两者)都… (复数)

(反义词) neither of … (两者)没一个… (单数)

3)all of… (三者或三者以上)都… (复数)

(反义词) none of … 没有人,没有任何东西…

4)both A and B A和B…

9. be busy with…/ be busy doing… 忙于…

10. something/ anything/nothing的用法

11.How about (doing)…? …怎么样?

12.take care of= look after… 照顾,照看

Lesson 20 Join Our Club

1.want to do… 想做… want sb to do… 想要某人做…

2.improve 改善 提高

improve your thinking/social skills 提高你的思维\社交能力

3.make friends with… 与… 交朋友

4. join 参加

join sb “加入某人(一起做某事)”

join 团体、组织、党派 “加入某个组织”

join in 小规模活动(球赛、游戏等)

take part in 群众性活动、会议等

5.at the same time 同时

6.Acting is fun and useful. Acting 是动名词(短语)做主语。

7.do role play games 做角色扮演游戏

8.enjoy doing… 享受做…乐趣

9.stay in shape 保持体形 stay healthy 保持健康

10.have lessons for all different levels 为不同水平的人上课

11.on weekends 在周末

12.stop by 地点 顺便来访

Lesson 21 What Is Your Club Type?

1.be right for sb 对某人合适 适合某人

2.add up 把… 加起来 add… to 把… 加到…上 add up to… 总计为…

3.find out 查明 弄清楚

4.exercise v 练习 (u)n 锻炼 练习 (c)n 练习题 注意:do morning/eye exercises

1)We have to do a lot of math ___ every day. 2)Running is good ___ for many people.

3)I like to ___ my mind by reading books.

5.relax v 放松 relaxing与 relaxed adj 放松的

1)Music can make you ___. 2)We feel very ___ after the holiday.

3)It’s ___ to listen to light music when you feel tired. (relax)

6.in one’s free time 在某人空闲的时间

7.mind n 头脑 思想

make up one’s mind (to do sth) 下决心去做… Never mind 没关系 mind doing sth 介意做…

Would you mind……? 注意回答 Of course not./Certainly not/ Not at all

Yes, you’d better not.

8. must 必须 mustn’t 不可以 禁止 needn’t 不必

9. on a cold and snowy day 在寒冷的下雪天

10.without 没有 不用 (介词) without doing…

11.bored/ boring 无聊的

12.for example 例如

Lesson 22 Big Plans for the Weekend

1.stay (系动词) 保持 stay still/quiet/healthy

2.hurry v hurry up 快点 n in a hurry 匆忙 赶快

3.somewhere 在某处 anywhere

4.surf the Internet 网上冲浪

5.help sb with… 在某方面帮助某人 help sb (to) do… with one’s help= with the help of sb

6.Would love to do … 愿意做某事

Would you love/like to do…?

Yes, I’d love/like to.

I’d love to, but……

Lesson 23 A Weekend With Grandma

1.talk to sb on the phone 与…电话交谈


one 同类事物中的一个/ it 指代上文中提到的同一个事物/ that 特指, 相当于 the 名词

练一练: 1. There is a hospital near here, can you see __? 2. I have several novels written by Lu xun, you can borrow ___ if you like. 3. The weather in Beijing is colder than ___ in Guangzhou.

3.close (adj)近的 接近的 be close to…

紧密的 亲密的

(v) 关 关闭

4.Need (v) 需要 (sb) need to do… / (sth) need doing= (sth) need to be done

Lesson 24 How Was Your Weekend?

1.be going to do… 计划、打算做…

注意: 1)There be 结构为:

There will be … 或 There is going to be …

2) 一些移位动词go, come, leave, arrive, start, fly 等可用现在进行时表即将发生或安排好要做的事情.

2.It’s … away from… 从… 到… 有多远

3. 乘坐交通工具:take a 交通工具 做谓语

by 交通工具 做状语

on/in a/one’s 交通工具 做状语

4.bring/ take /fetch 的区别

bring 拿来 带来 take 拿走 带走 fetch 去取 去接
