
“The vibe is my style.”——William Turner


suit display




Vests, suits, top hats, and an umbrella in their hands are always in pursuit of “elegance”.

In this era of urgent pursuit of identity, fashion culture can be said to be a tool for publicizing individuality. It gives individuals the power to shape their own identity diversity. Tailoring is the means to form self-labels at the moment. The competitiveness of brand recognition. We deliberately reduce the visual impact of the brand, space is only the carrier, and creating a unique temperament and atmosphere is the core of this project. Yes, we agree that the word atmosphere is the highest form of expression and the highest praise. A space must have its own unique atmosphere and temperament. From how to welcome people into these spaces, to the related space, material, air, light and shadow, smell, etc. they feel when entering, they are tough and soft, warm or cold. They take into account the contradictory characteristics, or never have these characteristics, forming the unique charm of the space, so that people can freely interpret and express themselves here.





shoe display shelves beside the reception table


▼走廊与休息区,corridor and lounge



overall view of the interior space



The island is a minimalist building block. We wanted to evoke a sense of heaviness and quality, creating layers of different volumes that combine to create a simple yet powerful functional island, made of travertine and wood. It naturally presents the elegant image of the brand, in particular, by combining low-saturated hues of materials, in a space that keeps time flowing, emphasizing the expression of “chic, elegance with classic and modern characteristics”.




a minimalist building block




tranquil atmosphere




The building needs to be constructed, the interior is an extension of the building, the space also needs to be constructed, the whole space generates rich layers, thanks to the specific combination of three spatial parameters: plan size, headroom and directionality. The purpose of generating the three levels is to let the structure and the combination of many levels break the design logic of uneven plane, and it is also a concrete presentation of the understanding of three-dimensional space.





space defined by different heights



Geometry is the law of lines, planes, and three-dimensional shapes in space. Geometry can help us understand subtle changes in space. All these changes form the basis for a variety of changes within a simple volume – so the interplay between spaces and specific material properties or craftsmanship can generate endless imaginings.


geometric furniture




Sunlight, the light of the sky, reaches the surface of the earth from outer space, it is distinct, intense and direct. It is the light of oneness. The location of the project is unique. The top floor of the core business district of Qianjiang is to the west, and you can see the most beautiful sunset. How to control the sunlight and adjust the angle is the control of the new rhythm generated by the space.

With the different seasons and time periods, the angle of sunlight exposure also changes, and the light flows naturally inside the space, creating rich spatial layers and moving images of time. The mottled light and shadow turn into a silent language, allowing the light to communicate with different spaces. People naturally get a kind of surprise and satisfaction, and it becomes more interesting to walk through it.


curtains bringing in soft natural light



▼光与窗帘细部,details of the light and curtains




Details, once designed, no longer just decorate them without distracting or amusing. They are an inherent part of the work and lead people to understand the whole. We pay attention to details and build nodes. Experiment with creating different shapes by combining and decomposing visible shapes to highlight interesting collisions between materials.

▼展示细部,display details




Each material, such as wood, stone, textured paint, and metal, has its own color properties. The use of natural travertine in the design has a mysterious feel. They exhibit sufficient charm through their own physical properties, but are more certain when mixed with the material’s form and natural texture. Use the warmth of wood to expand the uniqueness of the brand identity, and use a simple but detailed way to present the brand’s values.

▼材料细部,material details



