海运保险: marine insurance policy 货物装运单||装运发票: shipping invoice,今天小编就来聊一聊关于商务英语订单翻译?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



海运保险: marine insurance policy

货物装运单||装运发票: shipping invoice

收货传票: receiving note

收货单||大副收据: mate's receipt (M/R)

领事发票: consular invoice

产地证书: certificate of origin

装船通知: shipping advice

船运公司||海运业: shipping business||shipping trade

海运费用: shipping charges||shipping expenses

运费: freight

运费率: freight rate

火车货运||货车: freight train||goods train

对方付运费||运费待收: freight forward||freight payable at destination||freight collect

运费表||运价表: freight tariff||freight list

货运船: freight vessel||cargo boat||freighter

油轮||油槽船: tanker||tanker-steamer||tank-ship

货车: freight wagon

交货||交付: delivery

到达时交货: delivery on arrival

于......轮到达时交货: to arrive per s.s. ......

尚未下货||尚未卸船||在运途中: on passage||in transit

5月至6月交货: May/June delivery

5月至6月装船: May/June shipment
