
如果你搜一下“Ganakpara village of Udalguri district”,谷歌瞬间跳出来的标题是这样的。









One person died while two others were injured in police firing after security personnel and locals had allegedly come under attack from the group engaged in “strange rituals” and attempts to allegedly sacrifice a child in Udalguri district of Assam, police said on Sunday.

据当地警方周日公布, 此次事件导致一人死亡两人受伤。据称警务人员和当地村民被正实施“奇怪宗教仪式”的团伙围攻。该团伙当时正要将一个孩子作为宗教祭祀。警察开火。

“Pulokesh Saharia (28), who was among the three injured succumbed to bullet injuries in Guwahati Medical College and Hospital today (Sunday),” said Longnit Terong, superintendent of police, Udalguri.

28岁的Pulokesh Saharia 因为枪伤在当地医院不治身亡,警官特荣说。


According to Terong, the police received information about an incident of fire from Ganakpara village in Udalguri on Saturday. Once the police team arrived in the village, Terong said it saw a strange scene and seven adults including Saharia, his father Jadab Saharia, who teaches science in a local school, mother and her two sisters among others were immersed in a strange ritual.


According to the police, the locals said that the group engaged in rituals planned to sacrifice the two and a half-year-old kid, one of Saharia’s aunt’s son who was present at the spot and later rescued.


“As the locals and the police tried to stop, they came under attack from the group who attacked with a dao (machete) and axe. The magistrate who was present gave permission to fire to control them,” Terong said.


Saharia suffered bullet wound on his thigh, according to Police and was taken to Guwahati Medical College and Hospital along with Jadab and Jumun Kalita, two others who were shot at.


Terong said the police is yet not confirmed as to what kind of rituals were going on in that temple. “We have to wait for Jadab and Jumun Kalita to tell us what was happening there,” Terong said adding the police is also looking for a tantric, one R Saharia, who is known to visit the household.


Terong said the police has requested a magisterial probe into Saharia’s death as per the norms.



资料/图:Press Trust India,Hindustan Times
