例Different shapes can fill our life and shape our future.最近发现很多双词性词汇总出现在题目中,给大家做下思路整理,用句子的形式方便记忆和强化,家有中考生可以收藏哦,今天小编就来聊一聊关于英语时态巧记?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



例Different shapes can fill our life and shape our future.最近发现很多双词性词汇总出现在题目中,给大家做下思路整理,用句子的形式方便记忆和强化,家有中考生可以收藏哦。

Store food in a store.

Book a book .

Tidy your room and you will have a tidy room.

Well,you can get water from a well .

Why don't you name a name?

When you play,don't miss a play.

Light can light the sky and lights can light home.

A lie can lie everywhere.

Smoke and you can see smoke.

Fine or not will make you feel fine or not.

To volunteer can be a volunteer.

Using water to water plants.

The thing you value may lack of value.

A green hand can hand in a task timely.

Promise your promise.

A fly can't fly.

The rich have rich knowledge.

Park your car in a park.

Please yourself,please.

Honey,add more honey.
