
副词的中考要求是:副词的分类和基本用法,副词的比较级和最高级;某些特殊变化的副词的比较级和最高级(well-better-best等);副词的同级比较(as/ so ... as...的用法)及副词在句中的位置。





ago, already, before, ever, early, late, just, now, once, soon, still, then等


straight, upstairs, downstairs, above, along, around, outside, inside, behind,here,there等


safely, quietly, quickly, politely, loudly, luckily, happily, easily, carefully, slowly, suddenly等


very, only, quite, almost, even, a little, enough, rather, a lot, badly, nearly, further, widely等

5)频度副词:never, sometimes, usually, often, always等

6)疑问副词:when,where,why,how, how long,how soon,how often,how far等




 He walked quietly into his bedroom. 他安静地走进他的卧室。


You have a very nice watch. 你有一块非常好看的手表。


 How long will she be away? 她要离开多久?


The people there love peace. 那儿的人们热爱和平。


1) 多数副词都可以放在动词的后面,如果动词带有宾语,副词就放在宾语后面。

I get up early in the morning everyday. 我每天早早起床。

I have seen this film twice with my friends. 这部电影我和朋友看过两次。

2) 副词修饰形容词、副词时,副词在前面,而被修饰的词在后面。

It's rather easy, I can do it. 这很容易,我能做到。

He did it quite well. 他做得相当好。

3) 频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。

I often help him these days. 这些日子我经常帮助他。

You mustn't always help me. 你不必一直帮助我。

4) 疑问副词以及修饰整个句子的副词,通常放在句子的前面。

When do you study every day? 你每天什么时间学习?

First, let me ask you some questions. 先让我来问几个问题。

5) 时间副词和地点副词在一个句中, 地点副词在前面时间副词在后面。

We went shopping in the supermarket at 9 o'clock yesterday.


What were you doing in the classroom yesterday afternoon?



Never have I felt so excited!



1) 单音节词直接在其后面加-er/-est。例如: hard-harder-hardest

2) 以字母e结尾的单音节词在其后面直接加-r/-st。例如:wide-wider-widest

3) 以辅音字母+y结尾的双音节词,先把y改为i,再加-er/-est。


4) 部分双音节词和大部分多音节的词,在前面加more和most。

例如:slowly—more slowly—most slowly

carefully-more carefully-most carefully


well-better-best much-more-most little-less-least 

far-farther-farthest  badly-worse-worst


1) 在同级比较的结构as/ so+原级+as...的前面可用just,almost,nearly和half等表示程度。例如:He doesn’t study half so hard as you. 他学习努力的程度不如你的一半。

The wind blew more and more strongly. 风吹得越来越猛了。

2) 比较级前面可以用much,far,a little,a bit,a lot等词修饰,表示程度。

We will come back a little later. 我们会稍迟一点回来。

3) 两个副词的比较级可以叠加表示“越来越”的意思。

其结构可以是:比较级+and+比较级,而多音节词可以用more and more+比较级结构。

例如:He works harder and harder. 他工作的越来越努力。

Your sister becomes more and more beautiful. 你的妹妹变得越来越漂亮了。

4) 如果表示“越……,就越……”可以用“the+比较级……,the+比较级……”的结构。例如:The harder you works, the more you will get. 你越努力学习,你得到的就越多。

5) 当比较的双方属于同一范围内时候,用other或else排除自己,因为自己不能和自己比较。

例如:The girl sings better than any other girl in her class.



例如:The boy in our class came to school earlier than any students in that class.



1. — Fred is studying Chinese in one evening school. (2014 安顺)

— Is that true? He has told me about it.

A. ever B. even C. already D. never

2. — The song Where did the time go? Tell us that our parents grow old without being noticed.(2014 山西)

— We should stay with them as _________ as possible.

A. often B. soon C. little

3. I'm not hungry because I have _________ had lunch. (2014 沈阳)

A. ever B. never C. just D. still

4. My sister _________ goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sleep every day.(2014 江西)

A. always B. sometimes C. hardly D. never

5. If my friends have any problems, my door is _________ open to them.(2014 安徽)

A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. always

6. — _________ does your cousin usually go to work on foot?(2014 重庆)

— He says it's good for his health.

A. Where B. When C. Why D. How

7. — Can you catch what I said? (2014 荆州)

— Sorry, I can _________ understand it.

A. almost B. probably C. nearly D. hardly

8. — Which jacket do you prefer, this one or that one?(2014 威海)

is OK. I don’t care too much.

A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All

9. It was raining _________when my sister and I got to the museum.(2014 盐城)

A. badly B. softly C. hardly D. heavily

10. — How is Susan?(2015 青岛)

— Oh, I see her because she lives abroad.

A. always B. often C. almost D. hardly

11. The movie covers all of Chinese history.It is _________ worth seeing again.(2015 河北)

A.mainly B.really C.possibly D.hardly

12. I fell off the bike on my way to school. _________, I wasn’t hurt.(2015 温州)

A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Politely D. Recently

13. I ________ ride a bike to school. But this morning, I walked to school. (2015 天津)

A. never B. hardly C. seldom D. usually

14. — I lost my ticket, but _________ the travel agent gave me another one.(2015 南昌)

A. actually B. firstly C. luckily D. exactly

15. — _________ did you work out the problem in such a short time? (2015 重庆)

— With Mr. Li’s help.

A. When B. Where C. How D. Which

16. Alex did the project on community service ___________ better than his classmates.(2015 上海)

A. so B. very C. too D.much


1. D。本句句意为:——Fred在一个夜校学习中文。——真的吗?他从来没有告诉我。由答语“Is that true?”可知答案选D,never意为“从不,从来没有”。

2. A。句意:——歌曲《时间都去哪儿》告诉我们,我们的父母在不经意间变老了。——我们应该尽可能多和他们在一起。often经常;soon很快,不久;little很少,非常少。根据句意可知答案为A项。

3. C。句意:我不饿,因为我刚刚吃过午饭。ever曾经;never从不;just刚刚;still仍然。根据题意可知应选C。

4. A。句意:我妹妹总是很早上床睡觉,因为她每天需要很多睡眠时间。always总是;sometimes有时;hardly几乎不;never从不。根据句意可知选择A项。

5. D。句意:如果我的朋友有任何问题,我的大门总是向他们敞开。注意结合句子的含义就能得出答案。never从不;seldom很少;sometimes有时;always总是。故选D项。

6. C。句意:——你的表弟为何经常步行去上班?——他说这对他的健康有益。答句说的是原因,应该用why提问,故答案为C项。

7. D。本题意为:——你能跟上我所说的吗?——对不起,我几乎不能理解。almost几乎,差不多;B. probably可能;C. nearly,将近,差不多;D. hardly几乎不;由前半句的“sorry”可知,此处表示不能理解,故答案选D。

8. B。本句意为:——你喜欢哪个夹克,这一个还是哪一个?——两者都可以,我不在乎太多。either表示两者中的任何一个都怎样;故答案选B。

9. D。当我和妹妹到达博物馆的时候,雨下得很大;A. badly坏地,糟糕地;B. softly柔软地; C. hardly几乎不;D. heavily沉重地,大量地;故本题答案为D。

10. D。句意:——苏珊怎么样?——哦!我几乎见不着她,因为她在国外居住。。always 一直;often经常;almost几乎;hardly几乎不。根据答语because she lives abroad可知用hardly。

11. B。mainly意为“主要地”;really意为“确实”;possibly意为“有可能”;hardly意为“几乎不”。由“The movie covers all of Chinese history.”可知,它确实值得再看一遍。故选B。

12. A。句意:在我去学校的路上我从自行车上摔了下来。幸运的是,我没有受伤。luckily 幸运地;suddenly突然;politely有礼貌地;recently最近。根据上句从自行车上摔下来,而后句描述没有受伤,可知是幸运 地。故选A。

13. D。根据题意可知,今天早晨走路上学的,但平时是骑车的。此题前三个选项均为否定意义的副词,只有D是肯定意义的副词,这样可以判断出来正确答案。故答案为D。

14. C。句意:我的票丢了,但是幸运的是旅行社的经纪人另给了我一张。actually事实上,确切地说;firstly首先;luckily幸运地;exactly刚好,恰好。故选C。

15. C。句意:——你怎样在这么短的时间里解决这个问题的?——在李先生的帮助下。答句说的是方式,应该用how提问,故答案为C项。

16. D。解析:句意:亚历克斯做的关于社区服务的计划比他的同班同学做的好的多。so如此;very非常;too太,用来修饰形容词或副词的原级;much,far,a lot,a little等用来修饰比较级,说明比较的程度。根据句意可知答案为D项。

