Supply and demand 供应和需求

The demand curve 需求曲线


If you ask a taxi driver what he thinks economics is all about, the answer is invariably: "'s all about supply and demand, guv'." And of course, there is the old joke: "teach a parrot to say supply and demand and you've got an economist!" Obviously there is a lot more to the subject than just supply and demand, but there is an element of truth in the layman's view. Much of what you learn at A' level involves an application of the basic laws of supply and demand that appear in these first few Learn-Its.

如果你问一个出租车司机他认为经济学是怎么回事,他的回答总是这样。"......都是关于供应和需求的,头儿"。当然,还有一个老笑话:"教一只鹦鹉说供应和需求,你就有了一个经济学家!" 很明显,这个主题不仅仅是供应和需求,还有很多内容,但外行人的观点也有一定的道理。你在A-level考试中所学到的大部分内容都涉及到在这前几项学习内容中出现的基本供求规律的应用。


Effective demand 有效需求

Before we look at the basic demand curve, it is important to understand that economists only recognise demand when it is effective demand. This means demand that is backed up with a willingness and ability to pay. I should think that many of you reading this page would demand a Ferrari, but let's face it, it's not really effective demand, is it!



The theory of demand 需求的理论

Now we will look at the theory of demand. At higher prices, a lower quantity will be demanded than at lower prices, ceteris paribus. At lower prices, a higher quantity will be demanded than at higher prices, ceteris paribus. Basically, when the price is high demand is low and vice versa. Ceteris paribus means 'all other things being equal'. It is very important that you state this condition when using demand curves. I will explain why under "determinants of demand". First, let's have a look at the normal downward-sloping demand curve:

现在我们来看看需求的理论。在较高的价格下,需求量会比在较低的价格下低,在其他条件不变的情况下。在较低的价格下,需求量将比在较高的价格下更多,其他情况下也是如此。基本上,当价格高时,需求量就低,反之亦然。其他条件不变的意思是 "所有其他条件都相同"。在使用需求曲线时,说明这一条件是非常重要的。我将在 "需求的决定因素 "中解释原因。首先,让我们看一下正常的向下倾斜的需求曲线。


Note that I've drawn it as a curve, which is probably a little more realistic. Many of you will use straight-line demand curves in the exam. This is perfectly OK, remember that these diagrams are only sketches that you are using to help you analyse a situation. Anyway, as you can see in the diagram above, the demand for CDs is fairly low at the relatively high price of fifteen pounds, but at the bargain price of five pounds demand is much higher.



The determinants of demand 需求的决定因素

It is fairly obvious so far that the price of a good is a pretty strong determinant of its demand, but there are many other things that will affect demand too.


  1. Real income. If one's real income rose (real means 'allowing for inflation'), one should be able to afford more CDs.
  2. The price of other goods. If the price of CD players rose then one would expect demand for CD players to fall, and so would the demand for CDs. These goods are complements. If the prices of rock concerts rose then one would expect the demand for these concerts to fall. Perhaps those who decided against the concert might buy a CD instead. These goods are substitutes.
  3. Tastes and preferences. A slightly obscure but very important determinant. As you get older, you may lose Interest in the repetitive music currently in the charts and try some original sounds from the 60s, 70s or 80s. Changing preferences will affect your demand for a product regardless of its price.
  4. Expectations of future prices. If you think that the price for CDs is likely to fall in the near future, perhaps because of reduced production costs or competition from the US, you may delay some purchases which will reduce demand in the current time period. Alternatively, you may feel that CD prices are likely to rise in the near future, perhaps due to the lack of competition in the retail market, so you may increase your demand in the current time period.
  5. Advertising. Although many of you probably doubt the effectiveness of some of the appalling adverts on the TV, one assumes that these companies would not spend fortunes on these adverts if they did not expect to see a significant rise in demand for the product in question (Virgin and Our Price are always trying to sell you CDs via the TV.)
  6. Population. Quite obviously, a significant rise in the number of people in a given area or country will affect the demand for a whole host of goods and services. Note that a change in the structure of the population (we have an ageing population) will increase the demand for some goods but reduce the demand for others.
  7. Interest rates and credit conditions. If interest rates are relatively low then it is cheaper to borrow money that can then be spent. This is not so applicable to CDs, but will certainly affect the demand for 'big ticket' items such as cars and major electrical goods. In boom time (like the late 80s) it is often easier to obtain credit regardless of the rate of interest.

实际收入:如果一个人的实际收入增加(实际意味着 "考虑到通货膨胀"),他应该能够负担更多的CD。






利率和信贷条件:如果利率相对较低,那么借钱就比较便宜,然后可以花钱。这对CD不那么适用,但肯定会影响对汽车和主要电器产品等 "大票 "项目的需求。在经济繁荣时期(如80年代末),无论利率如何,往往更容易获得信贷。

Now that you understand that there are many things that affect the demand for a good other than its price, I hope you can see the importance of the ceteris paribus assumption. The normal downward-sloping demand curve shows the relationship between the price of the good and its demand, all other things being equal. Those 'all other things' are the list above: incomes, prices of other goods, etc. If you do not make this assumption, then you could have a situation when the price of CDs falls, but at the same time one's income falls by such a large amount that one actually demands fewer CDs. In other words, one does not want to confuse shifts in the demand curve and movements along a demand curve.

现在你明白了,除了价格之外,还有很多东西会影响商品的需求,我希望你能明白 "等价交换 "假设的重要性。正常的向下倾斜的需求曲线显示了在所有其他因素相同的情况下,商品的价格和它的需求之间的关系。这些 "所有其他事物 "就是上面列出的:收入、其他商品的价格等等。如果你不做这个假设,那么你可能会出现这样的情况:CD的价格下降,但同时一个人的收入下降了很多,以至于他实际上需要更少的CD。换句话说,我们不希望混淆需求曲线的变化和需求曲线上的移动。


Movements along a demand curve 沿需求曲线的移动

It is very important that you understand the difference shifts of and movements along demand curves. Examiners often test your understanding of this point in multiple-choice questions.


A movement along a demand curve only occurs when there is a change in the price of the good in question. Some textbooks call these movements extensions and contractions. In the diagram below (note that it is a straight-line sketch), when the price of CDs falls (from P1 to P2) there is a rise in demand (from Q1 to Q2), ceteris paribus. The movement along the curve is from point A to point B. When the price rises (from P1 to P3) there is a fall in demand (from Q1 to Q3), ceteris paribus. The movement along the curve is from point A to point C.



Note that we must say 'ceteris paribus'. If one of the other determinants of demand changes as well, then the curve would shift. Also note - always label all of your diagrams very well. Examiners hate poorly labelled diagrams.

请注意,我们必须说 "外在条件"。如果需求的其他决定因素之一也发生了变化,那么曲线就会移动。还要注意的是--一定要把你所有的图都标得非常清楚。考官最讨厌标签不全的图。


Shifts of a demand curve 需求曲线的移动

A shift in the demand curve occurs if one of the 'other' (i.e. non-price) determinants of demand change. This means that for a given price level the quantity demanded will change. This is illustrated in the diagram below:

如果需求的 "其他"(即非价格)决定因素之一发生变化,就会出现需求曲线的移动。这意味着,在给定的价格水平下,需求量将发生变化。这在下图中有所说明。


Note that the price has not changed (P1) and yet demand has increased (in the case of the shift to D2) to Q2. This could be due to a rise in real incomes (assuming the good is normal - see the required section in the 'Elasticities' topic), a rise in the price of a substitute good, a fall in the price of a complement, etc. (see 'determinants of demand' above).

In the case of the shift to D3, demand has fallen even though the price has remained constant.

This is quite a difficult idea to understand, so why don't you try the exercise below. Assume the product you are considering is a car. In the left column are a number of factors that may change. Can you click on the way the factor needs to move, in order to make the demand line move to D3?

请注意,价格没有变化(P1),但需求却增加了(在转移到D2的情况下),达到了Q2。这可能是由于实际收入的增加(假设该商品是正常的--见 "弹性 "主题中的必要部分),替代商品价格的上升,补充商品价格的下降,等等(见上文 "需求的决定因素")。


