3451[比心]学会沉默Learn to be silent ! 3452[比心]凡事先讨好自己Whoever please yourself beforehand ! 3453[比心]分心情,看交情Divide your mood and look at friendship ! 3454[比心]最近很喜欢的一段话One of my favorite quotes lately ! 3455[比心]半生已过Half a lifetime passed 3456[比心]你有男朋友吗?Do you have a boyfriend ? 3457[比心]他来自另一个国家He is from another nation ! 3458[比心]哪个国家?Which nation ? 3459[比心]我好饿I'm very hungry ! 3460[比心]你为什么这么生气?Why are you so angry ?,今天小编就来聊一聊关于手机版地道口语?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



3451[比心]学会沉默!Learn to be silent ! 3452[比心]凡事先讨好自己!Whoever please yourself beforehand ! 3453[比心]分心情,看交情!Divide your mood and look at friendship ! 3454[比心]最近很喜欢的一段话!One of my favorite quotes lately ! 3455[比心]半生已过!Half a lifetime passed !3456[比心]你有男朋友吗?Do you have a boyfriend ? 3457[比心]他来自另一个国家!He is from another nation ! 3458[比心]哪个国家?Which nation ? 3459[比心]我好饿!I'm very hungry ! 3460[比心]你为什么这么生气?Why are you so angry ?
