React to someone's mistake and you are a part of it, support and help them, and your are part of a solution.


I spent a train back to Guangzhou next to someone's screaming baby.


Many years ago this would have been a major disaster for me. But then I discovered 2 truths:


1. It is not the crying baby, it is my reaction that is the problem. 不是在哭的宝宝出了什么问题,而是我的反应出了问题。

2. My reaction is caused by my in ability to help a child in distress.我的反应是基于我是否有能力帮助一个处于困境中的孩子。

Now I feel nothing but empathy and compassion for screaming babies and their parents.这事,搁在现在,我对尖叫的婴儿和他们的父母只有同情和同情。

most things that bug us are simply our own reactions, often caused by our good nature.


So when an employee makes a mistake 当员工犯错时:

1) control your reaction,控制你的反应。

2) your reaction deep down is probably the feeling of guilt that you did not set the employee up for success by better instruction, training, procedure, etc。你内心深处的反应可能是一种内疚感,因为你没有通过更好的指导、培训、程序等为员工的成功做好准备

People do not need your reaction. They need your compassion, help and support.




We must learn to respond, not to react. Do you agree?

