
日文版:《人の世》 夏目漱石山道(やまみち)をのぼりながら、こうかんがえたちになたたけば 角がだつ。情(じょう)に棹(さお)させばながされろ。意地(いじ)を通(とお)せば、 窮屈(きゅうくつ)だ。とにかく、人(ひと)の世(よ)は住(す)みにくい。

中文版:人世 夏目漱石

一边在山路攀登,一边这样思忖。 发挥才智,则锋芒毕露;凭借感情,则流于世俗;坚持己见,则多方掣肘。总之,人世难居。英文版:Going up a mountain track, I fell to thinking. Approach everything rationally, and you become harsh. Pole along in the stream of emotions, and you will be swept away by the current. Give free rein to your desires, and you become uncomfortably confined. It is not a very agreeable place to live, this world of ours.

