I care more abouttoday’s dream. Now I would like to share my dream with all of you:
I dream of, ourcompany is not very big, but it must be a professional and efficient company, weinsist on pursuing the excellence, and constantly achieve new heights.
I dream of, ourcompany is a multi-culture, regardless of the position, no matter Chinese orforeigner, regardless of the color, regardless of the region, a highly openedcompany, respect the company’s regulations, respect each others’ culture, werespect everyone, and we receive others’ respect.
I dream of, all ofus could like brothers and sister close to each other, have the same heart andhonest to each other;
I dream of, nomatter how high the position of our leaders, we can still be humble and getalong with junior staff.
I dream of, ourleaders can all be a good example to others, daring to face the mistakes,self-improved, self-disciplined, and nice.
I dream of, ourteam has a clear target everyday in a good passion. No matter how hard thedifficulty will be, they shall never give up.
I dream of, all ofus care their honor like life. We appreciate the strong ones and help the weakones.
品牌介绍:EAGARI意格丽高级全屋定制品牌是由上海费勒家居科技有限公司总经理叶蔚先生于2019年底从意大利佛罗伦萨引进的高端意式极简全屋定制品牌,中国区的总部设在魔都之城的上海。2019年将“意大利纯正血统意式极简风格”概念引入中国,经过快速的发展, EAGARI意格丽高级全屋定制已一跃成为国内意式极简风格高级全屋定制的领军品牌。目前拥有柜体,门板、护墙、房门、门五大主生产线,产品主要涵盖衣柜、橱柜、房门、护墙、智能灯光、金属玻璃、皮革收纳、木质收纳等系统。在中国拥有2个现代化的生产制造工厂,分别是海安智造基地、江西上饶智造基地,正在建设的广东增城新工厂将在3年内正式投产,现有员工200多名,专卖店主要分布在红星美凯龙、居然之家、月星家居等高端卖场。