Hey hey 小伙伴们I’m back. 今天我们来一起读实事新闻,并从中学习一些实事的英文说法吧。


Step 1 速读原文

President Joe Biden is still testing positive for COVID-19 four days into his rebound infection, White House physician Dr. Kevin O'Connor reported Wednesday.

Biden "continues to feel well," O'Connor said, noting the exam was conducted after the president completed a light workout.

"He is still experiencing an occasional cough, but less frequently than yesterday. He remains fever-free and in good spirits," O'Connor wrote. Biden's temperature, pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation also remain normal.


Step 2 敲黑板

1. 关于新冠疫情的一些表达

rebound infection 再次感染

rebound positivity 复阳

2. 关于身体状况的一些表达

Temperature['temprətʃər] 体温

Pulse[pʌls] 脉搏

Blood pressure 血压

Respiratory rate ['respərətɔːri] 呼吸率

Oxygen saturation ['ɑːksɪdʒən][ˌsætʃə'reɪʃn]氧饱和度

Step 3 原文翻译

白宫医生Kevin O’Connor本周三称,美国总统拜登在检测复阳四天后仍呈阳性。

O’Connor 医生表示,拜登总统身体感觉良好,检测是在他轻微活动后进行的。



