

hold up 稍等,别走

figure things out 把事情想清楚

not ruin the beautiful moment 别破坏这美好气氛

jet set 纨绔子弟

cutting into time 占用时间

deep down 实际上,内心里

blown away 震惊留下深刻印象

count your blessings 往好处想

grossing you out 冒犯,把你恶心死

bounce back 恢复原状

licorice-mint 甘草薄荷口香糖

get a rip 掌握,获得

camping trip 野营

pop quiz 突击测试

to take credit for sth 把某事归功于某人

looking so fine 气色不错

baby girl 宝贝儿

itching to do sth 心痒痒很想做某事

good shot 很有可能

be into sb 喜欢上某人

spit-swear 吐唾沫在手上握手

pinky-swear 勾小指头

too little too late 太晚了做什么也没用了

to butt in 搅局

nice try 得了吧

get over 想开点

don‘t sweat it 别担心

big bowl of 非常

talk the talk,walk the walk 说到做到

good to go 准备好了

look on the bright side of something 从乐观角度看

cross your fingers 交叉手指 祈祷好运

ask out 邀请外出

put your foot outta your month 别再犯傻了

check it out 来看看

keep up 专心点

to have a feeling 预感,感觉

take it easy 慢慢来

have somebody up on a pedestal 把某人当偶像崇拜

get the short end of the stick 吃亏

fall through the cracks 被忽视

throw in the towel 认输

likely story 跟真的似的

I got my eyes on you 我在注意着你

gotcha you 你被耍了

for your own good 为你自己好

to bail on somebody 背弃(朋友)

to be there for someone 支持(某人)

mess up 搞砸

to put something behind yourself 抛到脑后

I got your back我会支持你的

take a nap(a short sleep)睡个大头觉

walk away 停止做某事

be big很流行

you betcha 那还用说

I'm on the case 我正在解决这个问题

give someone some space 给某人一点空间

get the guts 有胆子

long story short 长话短说

where were we 我们刚才说道哪儿了

the foundraiser competition 募款比赛

all-time great 最棒的

no offense 无意冒犯

learn her lesson 得到教训

the ship has sailed 时机已过

stand out 表现突出

nobody knows what's around the corner 谁知道下一步会发生什么

keep dreaming 做你的白日梦去吧

join the club 彼此彼此

I can't stand up 我再也受不了了

blow it 搞砸

one in a million 百万分之一,非常稀有

bump up 遇见

break the ice 破冰 寒喧

funny boom 幽默感

follow my lead跟着我做

tell me about it那还用说,就是嘛

have a cow不爽

big time非常严重

give somebody the chills让人感动

got you逮住你了,你完蛋了

let's boogie我们走吧

sick as a dog病得厉害

stuck with something被某事困住了

come in handy派上用场


sooner or later迟早

thing it through深思熟虑

under wraps秘密的,不公开

worth a shot值得一试

load off卸下心头重担

hold her horses自我克制

sell out出卖自己的信誉

selling out is no breeze好不容易

school bully 校园恶霸

a bump in the road 容易解决的问题

a hairy situation 严重冲突

the big cheese 得势的人

the fox is on the movie 狐狸出洞

What a hoot! 太搞笑了!

in the zone 专注地,用心地,聚精会神做某事

cut some slack 帮助某人

Sweet nibblets! 哦!天哪!

stood up 被放鸽子

going down 惨败

nail it 剪指甲/成功做某事

Nail it!Get it done! 搞定它!

be cool in the crunch 在危机中保持镇静

