你很努力啊——表扬努力You tried really hard on that.,今天小编就来聊一聊关于老师夸奖学生的十句话?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!




You tried really hard on that.

尽管很难,但你一直没有放弃—— 表扬坚毅

You never gave up, even when it was hard.

你做事情的态度非常不错—— 表扬态度

You have such a positive attitude.

你在 XXX 上进步了很多!—— 表扬细节

You have really improved on xxx.

这个方法真有新意!—— 表扬创意

What a creative solution to that problem!

你和小伙伴们合作得真棒!—— 表扬合作精神

You work very well with your classmates.

你一点都不怕困难,太难得了!—— 表扬勇气

You are not afraid of a challenge! I like that!

你帮 XXX 完成了她的任务,真不错!—— 表扬热心

You did a great job of helping xxx with her assignment.

你把自己的房间/书收拾整理得真好。—— 表扬责任心和条理性

You have taken great care of your room/books.

这件事情你负责得很好!—— 表扬领导力

I love how you took ownership of that!