今天我们继续来读<Treasure from the Sea>的下篇。



"Squawk! Squawk!" called a hungry seagull, swooping nearer.

"Shoo, shoo, seagull!" yelled Megan.

A few other children came over to see what Megan was shouting about, and their parents soon followed.

"Look! The tide's coming in," shouted a boy.

"But the water will take ages to come up here," said Megan sadly. "I don't want the fish to die!"


"Then we need to start digging!" said one of the dads.

Everyone started scooping sand with their hands to make a trench. It was hard work in the wet sand under the hot sun, but no one wanted to give up.

"Look! It's swimming, it's swimming!" shouted Megan excitedly. "You'll soon be back in your ocean," she called as she followed the fish to the sea.

At last it disappeared into the waves.


"That was something very special," whispered Nan.

"You found it, Megan."

"Yes! I did," Megan smiled. "Now I have a story to tell, just like you, Nan. A story of a treasure from the sea.

But my treasure will never sit on a window sill."


This is the back cover.
