

This is the front cover, the title is "Wheels".

Story by Bronwen Wall


The title is "Wheels".

Bronwen Wall wrote the story, he is the author.


2 How wheels help us

4 The history of wheels

6 Old wheels, new wheels

8 How wheels work

10 One, two, three wheels

11 Four and more wheels

12 Wonderful wheels


Label: by bike, by car, by scooter, by taxi van, by wheelchair, by bus

How wheels help us

The children in this picture are on their way to school.

Many of them are using wheels.

How did you get to school today?

Bikes, scooters, wheelchairs, buses, taxis, and cars all have wheels.

Wheels help us move easily from place to place.

Wheels help us go further.

Going somewhere on wheels is faster than walking.


The history of wheels

Wheels were invented long ago to solve the problem of moving heavy things.

People saw that round things could be used as rollers to move other things.

People worked out how to make wheels.

Label 1:This is a wooden wheel from about five thousand years ago.

They used wheels to make vehicles, like carts and wagons. (A vehicle is something that is used to carry people or things.)

Label 2:This is a hay cart from about two hundred years ago.


Old wheels, new wheels

Wheels have changed a lot since they were first invented.

These photos show some ways that wheels have changed in the last 150 years.

Long ago

1880 This bike is called a penny-farthing.

1890 This stagecoach has wooden wheels.

1924 This bus has metal wheels with rubber tyres.

1951 Both wheels are the same size on this bike.

2000 ~ Now The wheels on this bike have thick tyres to make riding comfortable.

Wheels on cars today have strong, tough tyres.


Label: axle. An axle goes through each wheel.

How wheels work

A wheel has a hole in the middle for an axle.

The axle goes through the middle of the wheel.

The wheel turns round the axle.

Different sorts of wheels

Some wheels are big.

Some wheels are small.

Some wheels have spokes. Some wheels are solid.

Most wheels have tyres.


One, two, three wheels

Some vehicles have only one wheel.

Many vehicles have two wheels, and some have three wheels.

This table shows vehicles with one, two, or three wheels.

1 wheel A unicycle has one wheel.

2 wheels A bicycle has two wheels.

3 wheels A tricycle has three wheels.

Four and more wheels

Many vehicles have four wheels.

Some vehicles have more than four wheels.

The wheels on trains have special ridges so they can move along tracks.


Wonderful wheels

Wheels help us in many ways.

They take us places, and they help us move things from place to place.

Wheels can even move buildings!

Where would we be without wheels?

Label: In 1993, hundreds of wheels helped to move a hotel in Wellington from one side of a street to the other.


This is the back cover.
