询问天气冬天怕冷、夏天怕热,当然要格外地关注天气情况了询问天气情况时你可以这样说●How's the weather today?今天天气怎样?●What will the weather be like in several days?未来几天的天气会怎样?●Is it supposed to snow on Tuesday?星期二会下雪吗?●What's the temperature today?今天的气温是多少?Does the weather forecast call for snow tomorrow?天气预报是说明天要下雪吗?谈论好天气,今天小编就来聊一聊关于今天的天气怎么样用英语怎样说?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!




冬天怕冷、夏天怕热,当然要格外地关注天气情况了!询问天气情况时你可以这样说。●How's the weather today?今天天气怎样?●What will the weather be like in several days?未来几天的天气会怎样?●Is it supposed to snow on Tuesday?星期二会下雪吗?●What's the temperature today?今天的气温是多少?Does the weather forecast call for snow tomorrow?天气预报是说明天要下雪吗?谈论好天气

为什么老外喜欢谈论天气呢?因为天气能影响人的心情,好的天气,可以让人心情愉悦,一起来学习如何谈论好天气吧!●Do you find the weather satisfying?天气很怡人,对吧?●It is a lovely day.天气真好。●Nice day for a sail.真是驾船出游的好天气。●Weather's always perfect.天气总是很好。●It's cool and bright.天气凉爽而明亮。●It'll probably clear up tomorrow.明天可能转晴。谈论坏天气

跟朋友约好去爬山,结果下雨了,这真的是太糟糕了!描述坏天气你可以这样说。●The weather is awful today.今天的天气糟透了。●It rained all day yesterday.昨天下了一天雨。●It's quite cold today.今天相当冷。●It poured.那天倾盆大雨。●Elena wants me to go for a walk.Do you realize how cold it is outside?伊莲娜要我去散步,你知道外面多冷吗?