
Word of the Day: April 3, 2021



noun MAHK-see


1:energy, pep


2:courage, determination





"On offense, the Giants need more speed, more talent, more explosive plays, more creativity, more power, more moxie. More everything." — Paul Schwartz, The New York Post, 21 Feb. 2021


"Ideally the Legislature, on a bipartisan basis, would summon the political moxie to allow robust competition between the research universities and the community colleges for baccalaureate degrees. If that's not possible, anything that allows a four-year degree to be independently offered by a community college is worth doing." — Robert Robb, The Arizona Republic, 19 Feb. 2021


ps:community college:社区大学,因为一些学生不会在大学读头两年,而是选择先在社区学院完成这两年的普通教育要求,然后转到传统大学完成最后两年的学位。所以社区大学只提供两年教育学习,是不提供学位证书的。

Did You Know?

"Hot roasted peanuts! Fresh popcorn! Ice-cold Moxie!" You might have heard such a snack vendor's cry at a baseball game—if you attended it in the early 1900s. In its heyday, some claim that the soft drink named Moxie outsold Coca-Cola. The beverage was a favorite of American writer E. B. White, who wrote, "Moxie contains gentian root, which is the path to the good life. This was known in the second century before Christ and is a boon to me today." In quick time, moxie had become a slang term for nerve and verve, perhaps because some people thought the drink was a tonic that could cure virtually any ill and bring vim back to even the most lethargic individual.

“现烤花生! 新鲜的爆米花! 冰的 Moxie!”如果您在1900年代初期观看过棒球比赛,您可能听到过这种小吃摊贩的叫卖声。在它的全盛时期,有人声称名为Moxie的汽水(不含酒精的软饮料)的销量超过了可口可乐。这种饮料是美国作家e·b·怀特(E. B. White)的最爱,他写道:“Moxie 中含有龙胆草根,这是通向美好生活的路。”在基督之前的公元二世纪就为人所知,也是我今天的福音。” 在很迅速的时间里,“moxie”就变成了表示“nerve「勇气;气魄」”和“verve「精力」”的俚语,这可能是因为有些人认为这种饮料是一种滋补品,可以治愈任何疾病,也能使昏昏欲睡的人恢复精力。

Name That Synonym

What synonym of moxie refers to a root used to flavor beverages and to someone's pep?
