
No matter what anyone says, there is always room for dessert.无论别人怎么说,总是有空间吃甜点。

1. You're amazed by people's naivety when they assume you don't have room for dessert.1、当人们想当然地认为你没有空间吃甜点的时候,你因他们的天真而感到惊讶。

2. Because you're pretty sure your dessert stomach can fit more than your regular one.2、因为你很确定你吃甜点的胃口比你通常的胃口要大。


3. Nothing hurts like wanting to get dessert but hearing everyone else say they're just too full.3、想吃甜点时却听到其他人说他们太饱了,没有什么比这更让人感到受伤了。


4. Or that they're "not a dessert person".4、或者他们“不爱吃甜点”。

5. You know how to persuade everyone else to join in.5、你知道如何劝说其他人加入吃甜点的行列。

6. And in moments of desperation you'll offer to pay for other people's desserts, to seal the deal.6、绝望时,你会为其他人买甜点来搞定他们。

7. You make a beeline for the dessert menu before you've ordered anything else.7、在你点任何东西之前,你会先看甜点餐单。

8. And you feel pretty confident that you’ll have room for the biggest, most ambitious option.8、你很有自信会有胃口吃你最渴望的、最充满野心的甜点。

9. Because you couldn't run the risk of missing out on something especially delicious.9、因为你不能冒险错过特别美味的甜点。


10. Sometimes after a full meal, you might be exhausted and forget about the dessert stomach altogether.10、有时用过餐之后,你可能会觉得非常疲惫,甚至把吃甜点的事情都一起忘掉了。


11. Until from the corner of your eye you see something sweet, and it pulls you right back.11、直到从眼角的余光看到甜点之时,就又把你拉回来了。

12. And you suddenly feel downright ravenous.12、你突然觉得特别饿。


13. Although when even your dessert stomach gets full, it's tragic.13、虽然你吃甜点的胃口都被满足了,但这令你很沮丧。


14. Sometimes people are confused when you leave half your dinner but then start eyeing cheesecake.14、有时候人们会迷惑,你的晚餐剩了一半,但之后却开始盯着芝士蛋糕。

15. You're not a fan of starters because they just delay you even further from what you really want.15、你不喜欢开胃菜,因为它们只会进一步推迟你吃到真正想吃的食物。

16. In fact, your favourite kind of restaurants cut straight to the point.16、事实上你最喜欢那类直奔主题的餐厅。

17. Because how can you be ~truly~ full until you've had something sweet?17、因为在你吃到甜点之前,你怎么可能真“饱了”呢?

18. You feel complete anguish when you eat at someone's house and there's nothing to satisfy your specific, dessert-based hunger.18、当你在某人家里吃饭,却没有能满足你的特定甜点的时候,你会特别苦恼。

19. And sometimes you wonder if dessert even goes to your stomach.19、有时候你想知道甜点有没有真的都到你胃里去了。

