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Why did pirates bury treasure if they would never recover it?【译】如果海盗们再也找不到,那么他们为什么要把财宝埋起来呢?【单词】pirates 原型:pirate ['pahy-ruht]['paɪrət] n. 海盗【单词】bury ['ber-ee]['beri] vt. 埋葬;隐匿【单词】treasure ['trezh-er]['treʒə] n. 财富;宝物【单词】recover [ri-'kuhv-er][rɪ'kʌvə] v. 恢复;复原;重获

They almost never did, it's a trope we got from culturally significant books like Treasure Island.【译】他们几乎从来没有这样做过,那只是我们从《金银岛》这样具有文化意义的书籍中得到的一个比喻。【单词】trope [trohp][trəʊp] n. 比喻;转义【单词】culturally ['kuhl-cher-uhl]['kʌltʃərəli] adv. 人文地;文化地【专有名词】Treasure Island 《金银岛》是英国小说家罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森创作的一部长篇小说,创作于1881年,讲述的是18世纪中期英国少年吉姆从垂危水手彭斯手中得到传说中的藏宝图,在当地乡绅支援下组织探险队前往金银岛,并与冈恩众人智斗海盗,最终平息了叛变并成功取得宝藏的故事。

Only William Kidd was known for sure to have buried treasure on one occasion, intending to use it as leverage to bargain for his freedom were he ever captured.【译】只有威廉·基德被认为有一次确实是埋下了宝藏,他打算用它作为筹码,在他被俘时为自己的自由讨价还价。【单词】buried 原型:bury ['ber-ee]['beri] vt. 埋葬;隐匿【单词】occasion [uh-'key-zhuhn][ə'keɪʒn] n. 场合;时机;机会【单词】intending 原型:intend [in-'tend][ɪn'tend] vt. 想要;打算;意指【单词】leverage ['lev-er-ij, 'lee-ver-]['liːvərɪdʒ] n. 杠杆;杠杆作用;影响力【单词】bargain ['bahr-guhn]['bɑːgɪn] v. 讨价还价;议价【单词】freedom ['free-duhm]['friːdəm] n. 自由;特许,特权【单词】captured 原型:capture ['kap-cher]['kæptʃə] vt. 捕获;占领;夺取【专有名词】William Kidd 人名/人物 威廉·基德(1645年—1701年),苏格兰航海家、海盗、私掠者,被人们称为“基德船长”(Captain Kidd)

He did not succeed.【译】他没有成功。【单词】succeed [suhk-'seed][sək'siːd] v. 成功

Francis Drake buried treasure in Panama at Nombre De Dios, but the Spanish dug out most of it right away.【译】弗朗西斯·德雷克(Francis Drake)在巴拿马的Nombre De Dios埋藏了宝藏,但西班牙人马上挖出了其中的绝大部分。【短语】most of ... 大部分,大多数的;绝大多数;例句:I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 我认为这些障碍大多数都是可以克服的。【单词】dug 原型:dig [dig][dɪɡ] v. 挖;掘;翻土;探究【专有名词】Francis Drake 人名/人物 弗朗西斯·德雷克(1540-1596)是英国著名的私掠船船长、航海家,也是伊丽莎白时代的政治家。【专有名词】Panama 地名 ['pan-uh-mah]['pænəmɑː] n. 巴拿马【专有名词】Nombre De Dios 地名【专有名词】Spanish ['span-ish]['spænɪʃ] n. 西班牙人


Pirates burying treasure is a myth.【译】海盗埋藏财宝是个虚构的故事。【单词】myth [mith][mɪθ] n. 神话;虚构的故事

In general pirates would not save up much money, certainly not enough to call it a treasure.【译】一般来说,海盗不会攒下多少钱,当然也不足以称之为宝藏。【短语】save up 储蓄,存钱,贮存;例句:It took me a year to save up for a new car. 我花了整整一年的时间才存下足够的钱买一辆新车。【单词】save [seyv][seɪv] v. 救;节省;保存


If they got any money they would spend it on maintaining and restocking their ship, and whatever was left over would quickly be distributed among the towns nightly service industries by the crew.【译】如果他们有了钱,他们会把钱花在维护和补给船只上,剩下的东西会很快被船员们用在城镇的夜生活上。【短语】take over 表示“接管;接收”。如:I intend you to take over. 我打算让你来接管。【单词】spend [spend][spend] v. 花费;浪费;度过【单词】maintaining 原型:maintain [meyn-'teyn][meɪn'teɪn] vt. 维持;维修;保养【单词】restocking [ree-'stok]['riː'stɒkɪŋ] n. 再存储;再进货【单词】ship [ship][ʃɪp] n. 船;舰

【单词】distributed 原型:distribute [dih-'strib-yoot][dɪ'strɪbjuːt] v. 分配;散发;分布【单词】nightly ['nahyt-lee]['naɪtli] adj. 每夜的;夜间的 adv. 每夜地【单词】crew [kruː] n. 全体船员;全体乘务员;(一组)工作人员

In rare cases there might be some money left over which would have been kept under lock and key on the ship.【译】在极少数情况下,可能会有一些剩余的钱被锁在船上。【单词】rare [rair][reə] adj. 罕见的;珍贵的【单词】lock [lok][lɒk] v. 固定;锁(住)

What sometimes did happen was that ships loaded too heavily with cargo destined for Europa would get caught out in storms and ended up wrecking on a remote location.【译】有时会发生的情况是,装载过多货物前往欧洲的船只会遭遇风暴,最终在一个偏僻的地方失事。【单词】happen ['hap-uhn]['hæpən] vi. 发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇【单词】loaded 原型:load [lohd][ləʊd] v. 装载【单词】heavily ['hev-uh-lee]['hevɪli] adv. 重重地;沉重地;沉闷地;猛烈地;厉害地【单词】cargo ['kahr-goh]['kɑːɡəʊ] n. 货物;船货【单词】destined ['des-tind]['destɪnd] adj. 命中注定的【单词】caught 原型:catch [kach][kætʃ] v. 赶上;抓住;捕捉;领会【单词】storms 原型:storm [stawrm][stɔːm] n. 暴风雨

【单词】wrecking 原型:wreck [rek][rek] v. 使…失事;使…遇难;破坏【单词】remote [ri-'moht][rɪ'məʊt] adj. 遥远的;偏僻的;远程的【单词】location [loh-'key-shuh n][ləʊ'keɪʃn] n. 位置;定位;地点【专有名词】Europa [yoo-'roh-puh, yuh-] ;[希腊神话] 欧罗巴(腓尼基公主),这里指欧洲

The surviving crew would not have the resources to recover the cargo and would be more focused on their own survival and rescue then saving the cargo, if there were any survivors at all.【译】幸存的船员将没有工具来回收货物,如果有生还者的话,他们会更专注于自己的生存和救援,然后拯救货物。【短语】focus on... 专注于...,集中在...上;例句:We focus on your lifestyle, to ignite your senses. 我们关注你的生活方式,点燃你的感觉。【单词】surviving 原型:survive [ser-'vahyv][sə'vaɪv] vt. 幸免于难;存活;艰难度过;比 ... 活得长 vi. 活着;继续存在【单词】resources 原型:resource ['ree-sawrs][rɪ'sɔːs] n. 资源【单词】focused 原型:focus ['foh-kuhs]['fəʊkəs] v. (使)集中;聚集【单词】survival [ser-'vahy-vuhl][sə'vaɪvl] n. 幸存;幸存者;生存;残存物,幸存物【单词】rescue ['res-kyoo]['reskjuː] vt. 营救;援救 n. 营救;救援【单词】saving 原型:save [seyv][seɪv] v. 救;节省;保存【单词】survivors 原型:survivor [ser-'vahy-ver][sə'vaɪvə] n. 幸存者

We are still finding sunken ships filled with gold.【译】我们仍在寻找装满黄金的沉船。【单词】sunken 原型:sink [singk][sɪŋk] v. 下沉;沉没【单词】filled 原型:fill [fil][fɪl] vt. 装满;填充

It was actually very rare for pirates to bury treasure.【译】事实上,海盗埋藏宝藏是非常罕见的。

AFAIK there are only a handful of known occurrences.【译】据我所知,这样的事情没发生过几次。【网络词汇】AFAIK 即“as far as I know”的简写,意为“就我所知”,“据我所知”【单词】handful ['hand-foo l]['hændfʊl] n. 一把;少数;<非>难控制的人;棘手之事【单词】occurrences 原型:occurrence [uh-'kur-uhns][ə'kʌrəns] n. 发生;事件;出现

I believe it was done when the pirates knew that there was a high likelihood of being caught.【译】我相信这是在海盗知道很有可能被逮住的时候做的。【单词】likelihood ['lahyk-lee-hood]['laɪklihʊd] n. 可能性


Burying the treasure would keep it from being taken by authorities and give the pirate the best chance to recover it at a later time.【译】埋葬这些宝藏可以防止它被当局带走,并给海盗最好的机会在以后的时间把它找回来。
